2008 |
27 | EE | Jarek Krajewski,
Rainer Wieland,
Anton Batliner:
An Acoustic Framework for Detecting Fatigue in Speech Based Human-Computer-Interaction.
ICCHP 2008: 54-61 |
26 | EE | Jarek Krajewski,
Anton Batliner,
Rainer Wieland:
Multiple classifier applied on predicting microsleep from speech.
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
25 | EE | Anton Batliner:
Whence and Whither: The Automatic Recognition of Emotions in Speech (Invited Keynote).
PIT 2008: 1 |
24 | EE | Andreas Maier,
Julian Exner,
Stefan Steidl,
Anton Batliner,
Tino Haderlein,
Elmar Nöth:
An Extension to the Sammon Mapping for the Robust Visualization of Speaker Dependencies.
TSD 2008: 381-388 |
23 | EE | Stefan Steidl,
Anton Batliner,
Elmar Nöth,
Joachim Hornegger:
Quantification of Segmentation and F0 Errors and Their Effect on Emotion Recognition.
TSD 2008: 525-534 |
22 | EE | Anton Batliner,
Stefan Steidl,
Christian Hacker,
Elmar Nöth:
Private emotions versus social interaction: a data-driven approach towards analysing emotion in speech.
User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 18(1-2): 175-206 (2008) |
2007 |
21 | EE | Fiorella de Rosis,
Anton Batliner,
Nicole Novielli,
Stefan Steidl:
'You are Sooo Cool, Valentina!' Recognizing Social Attitude in Speech-Based Dialogues with an ECA.
ACII 2007: 179-190 |
20 | EE | Ellen Douglas-Cowie,
Roddy Cowie,
Ian Sneddon,
Cate Cox,
Orla Lowry,
Margaret McRorie,
Jean-Claude Martin,
Laurence Devillers,
Sarkis Abrilian,
Anton Batliner,
Noam Amir,
Kostas Karpouzis:
The HUMAINE Database: Addressing the Collection and Annotation of Naturalistic and Induced Emotional Data.
ACII 2007: 488-500 |
19 | EE | Anton Batliner,
Richard Huber:
Speaker Characteristics and Emotion Classification.
Speaker Classification (1) 2007: 138-151 |
18 | EE | Felix Burkhardt,
Richard Huber,
Anton Batliner:
Application of Speaker Classification in Human Machine Dialog Systems.
Speaker Classification (1) 2007: 174-179 |
2006 |
17 | EE | Christian Hacker,
Anton Batliner,
Elmar Nöth:
Are You Looking at Me, Are You Talking with Me: Multimodal Classification of the Focus of Attention.
TSD 2006: 581-588 |
2004 |
16 | EE | Anton Batliner,
Christian Hacker,
Stefan Steidl,
Elmar Nöth,
Jürgen Haas:
From Emotion to Interaction: Lessons from Real Human-Machine-Dialogues.
ADS 2004: 1-12 |
15 | EE | Michael Streit,
Anton Batliner,
Thomas Portele:
Cognitive-Model-Based Interpretation of Emotions in a Multi-modal Dialog System.
ADS 2004: 65-76 |
14 | EE | Stefan Steidl,
Christian Hacker,
Christine Ruff,
Anton Batliner,
Elmar Nöth,
Jürgen Haas:
Looking at the Last Two Turns, I'd Say This Dialogue Is Doomed - Measuring Dialogue Success.
TSD 2004: 629-636 |
2003 |
13 | EE | J. Adelhardt,
R. Shi,
Carmen Frank,
Viktor Zeißler,
Anton Batliner,
Elmar Nöth,
Heinrich Niemann:
Multimodal User State Recognition in a Modern Dialogue System.
KI 2003: 591-605 |
12 | EE | Anton Batliner,
K. Fischer,
Richard Huber,
Jörg Spilker,
Elmar Nöth:
How to find trouble in communication.
Speech Communication 40(1-2): 117-143 (2003) |
2002 |
11 | EE | Georg Stemmer,
Stefan Steidl,
Elmar Nöth,
Heinrich Niemann,
Anton Batliner:
Comparison and Combination of Confidence Measures.
TSD 2002: 181-188 |
10 | EE | Anton Batliner,
Viktor Zeißler,
Elmar Nöth,
Heinrich Niemann:
Prosodic Classification of Offtalk: First Experiments.
TSD 2002: 357-364 |
1999 |
9 | EE | Jan Buckow,
Volker Warnke,
Richard Huber,
Anton Batliner,
Elmar Nöth,
Heinrich Niemann:
Fast and Robust Features for Prosodic Classification.
TSD 1999: 193-198 |
1997 |
8 | | Elmar Nöth,
Anton Batliner,
Andreas Kießling,
Ralf Kompe,
Heinrich Niemann:
Prosodische Information: Begriffsbestimmung und Nutzen für das Sprachverstehen.
DAGM-Symposium 1997: 37-52 |
7 | | Elmar Nöth,
Anton Batliner,
Andreas Kießling,
Ralf Kompe,
Florian Gallwitz,
Volker Warnke,
Heinrich Niemann:
Spracherkennung und Prosodie.
KI 11(4): 14-19 (1997) |
1996 |
6 | EE | Anton Batliner,
Anke Feldhaus,
Stefan Geißler,
Andreas Kießling,
Tibor Kiss,
Ralf Kompe,
Elmar Nöth:
Integrating Syntactic and Prosodic Information for the Efficient Detection of Empty Categories.
COLING 1996: 71-76 |
5 | | Matthias Reyelt,
Martine Grice,
Ralf Benzmüller,
Jörg Mayer,
Anton Batliner:
Prosodische Etikettierung des Deutschen mit ToBI.
KONVENS 1996: 144-155 |
4 | EE | Anton Batliner,
Anke Feldhaus,
Stefan Geißler,
Andreas Kießling,
Tibor Kiss,
Ralf Kompe,
Elmar Nöth:
Integrating Syntactic and Prosodic Information for the Efficient Detection of Empty Categories
CoRR cmp-lg/9607004: (1996) |
1992 |
3 | | Anton Batliner,
B. Johne,
Andreas Kießling,
Elmar Nöth:
Zur prosodishen Kennzeichnung von spontaner und gelesener Sprache.
KONVENS 1992: 29-38 |
1987 |
2 | | Anton Batliner:
Der Einsatz der Diskriminanzanalyse zur Prädiktion des Satzmodus.
GLDV-Jahrestagung 1987: 125-132 |
1 | | Elmar Nöth,
Anton Batliner,
Roswitha Lang,
Wilhelm Oppenrieder:
Automatische Grundfrequenzanalysen und Satzmodusdifferenzierung.
GLDV-Jahrestagung 1987: 59-66 |