
Leonardo Vidal Batista

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7EEFabrizia M. de S. Matos, Leonardo Vidal Batista, JanKees van der Poel: Face recognition using DCT coefficients selection. SAC 2008: 1753-1757
6EEDaniel Pavelec, Edson J. R. Justino, Leonardo Vidal Batista, Luiz S. Oliveira: Author identification using writer-dependent and writer-independent strategies. SAC 2008: 414-418
5 Daniel Pavelec, Luiz S. Oliveira, Edson J. R. Justino, Leonardo Vidal Batista: Using Conjunctions and Adverbs for Author Verification. J. UCS 14(18): 2967-2981 (2008)
4 JanKees van der Poel, Leonardo Vidal Batista, Carlos Wilson Dantas de Almeida: A new multiscale, curvature-based shape representation technique for content-based image retrieval. VISAPP (1) 2006: 401-406
3EELeonardo Vidal Batista, Moab Mariz Meira, Nicomedes Cavalcanti: Texture Classification using Local and Global Histogram Equalization and the Lempel-Ziv-Welch Algorithm. HIS 2005: 297-302
2EEJanKees van der Poel, Carlos Wilson Dantas de Almeida, Leonardo Vidal Batista: A New Multiscale, Curvature-Based Shape Representation Technique for Image Retrieval Based on DSP Techniques. HIS 2005: 373-378
1EELeonardo Vidal Batista, Moab Mariz Meira: Texture Classification Using the Lempel-Ziv-Welch Algorithm. SBIA 2004: 444-453

Coauthor Index

1Carlos Wilson Dantas de Almeida [2] [4]
2Nicomedes Cavalcanti [3]
3Edson J. R. Justino [5] [6]
4Fabrizia M. de S. Matos [7]
5Moab Mariz Meira [1] [3]
6Luiz S. Oliveira (Luiz E. Soares de Oliveira) [5] [6]
7Daniel Pavelec [5] [6]
8JanKees van der Poel [2] [4] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)