
T. K. Basu

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8EEHemant A. Patil, T. K. Basu: A Novel Approach to Language Identification Using Modified Polynomial Networks. Speech, Audio, Image and Biomedical Signal Processing using Neural Networks 2008: 117-143
7 Hemant A. Patil, T. K. Basu: Identifying Phonetically Similar Languages Using Teager Energy Based Cepstrum. Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 2007: 1-8
6 Hemant A. Patil, T. K. Basu: Advances in Speaker Recognition: A Feature Based Approach. Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 2007: 528-537
5EEHemant A. Patil, T. K. Basu: Cepstral Domain Teager Energy for Identifying Perceptually Similar Languages. PReMI 2007: 455-462
4EEHemant A. Patil, T. K. Basu: Design of Cubic Spline Wavelet for Open Set Speaker Classification in Marathi. ISCSLP 2006: 126-137
3EED. P. Das, S. R. Mohapatra, A. Routray, T. K. Basu: Filtered-s LMS algorithm for multichannel active control of nonlinear noise processes. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(5): 1875-1880 (2006)
2 Claus Vielhauer, T. K. Basu, Jana Dittmann, Pranab K. Dutta: Finding meta data in speech and handwriting biometrics. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2005: 504-515
1EEHemant A. Patil, T. K. Basu: The Teager Energy Based Features for Identification of Identical Twins in Multi-lingual Environment. ICONIP 2004: 333-337

Coauthor Index

1D. P. Das [3]
2Jana Dittmann [2]
3Pranab K. Dutta [2]
4S. R. Mohapatra [3]
5Hemant A. Patil [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
6A. Routray [3]
7Claus Vielhauer [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)