
Dhruba Basu

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7EEDhruba Basu, Sasikumar Punnekkat: Clock Synchronization Algorithms and Scheduling Issues. IWDC 2003: 45-55
6EEAnupam Sinha, Pradip Kumar Das, Dhruba Basu: Implementation and timing analysis of Clock Synchronization on a transputer-based replicated system. Information & Software Technology 40(5-6): 291-309 (1998)
5EEAnupam Sinha, Pradip Kumar Das, Dhruba Basu: Replicated servers for fault-tolerant real-time systems using transputers. Information & Software Technology 38(10): 633-645 (1996)
4 K. V. S. S. Prasad Rao, Dhruba Basu: Design of Totally Self-Checking Circuits with an Unrestricted Stuck-At Fault-Set Using Redundancy in Space and Time Domains. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(5): 464-475 (1983)
3 Totadri Jayasri, Dhruba Basu: An Approach to Organizing Microinstructions which Minimizes the Width of Control Store Words. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(5): 514-521 (1976)
2 Totadri Jayashree, Dhruba Basu: On Binary Multiplication Using the Quarter Square Algorithm. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(9): 957-960 (1976)
1 Dhruba Basu, Totadri Jayashree: On a Simple Postcorrection for Nonrestoring Division. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(10): 1019-1020 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Pradip Kumar Das [5] [6]
2Totadri Jayashree [1] [2]
3Totadri Jayasri [3]
4Sasikumar Punnekkat [7]
5K. V. S. S. Prasad Rao [4]
6Anupam Sinha [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)