
Cyr Gabin Bassolet

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3EEAna Simonet, Michel Simonet, Cyr Gabin Bassolet, Sylvain Ferriol, Cédric Gueydan, Rémi Patriarche, Haijin Yu, Ping Hao, Yi Liu, Wen Zhang, Nan Chen, Michel Forêt, Philippe Gaudin, Georges De Moor, Geert Thienpont, Mohamed Ben Saïd, Paul Landais, Didier Guillon: GENNERE: A Generic Epidemiological Network for Nephrology and Rheumatology. ER 2004: 862-864
2 Ana Simonet, Michel Simonet, Cyr Gabin Bassolet, X. C. Delannoy, Riad Hamadi: Static Classification Schemes for an Object System. FLAIRS Conference 1998: 254-258
1 Cyr Gabin Bassolet, Ana Simonet, Michel Simonet: Probabilistic Classification in Osiris, a View-based OO DBMS and KBMS. DEXA Workshop 1996: 62-68

Coauthor Index

1Nan Chen [3]
2X. C. Delannoy [2]
3Sylvain Ferriol [3]
4Michel Forêt [3]
5Philippe Gaudin [3]
6Cédric Gueydan [3]
7Didier Guillon [3]
8Riad Hamadi [2]
9Ping Hao [3]
10Paul Landais [3]
11Yi Liu [3]
12Georges De Moor [3]
13Rémi Patriarche [3]
14Mohamed Ben Saïd [3]
15Ana Simonet [1] [2] [3]
16Michel Simonet [1] [2] [3]
17Geert Thienpont [3]
18Haijin Yu [3]
19Wen Zhang [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)