
Douglas W. Bass

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6EEDouglas W. Bass, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Hamilton Decompositions and (n/2)-Factorizations of Hypercubes. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 7(1): 79-98 (2003)
5EEDouglas W. Bass, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Pancake problems with restricted prefix reversals and some corresponding Cayley networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 63(3): 327-336 (2003)
4EEDouglas W. Bass, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Symmetric k-Factorizations of Hypercubes with Factors of Small Diameter. ISPAN 2002: 219-224
3 Douglas W. Bass, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Removing edges from hypercubes to obtain vertex-symmetric networks with small diameter. Telecommunication Systems 13(1): 135-146 (2000)
2EEDouglas W. Bass, Ivan Hal Sudborough: Pancake Problems with Restricted Prefix Reversals and some Corresponding Cayley Networks. ICPP 1998: 11-
1EEDouglas W. Bass, Ivan Hal Sudborough: On The Shuffle-Exchange Permutation Network. ISPAN 1997: 165-171

Coauthor Index

1Ivan Hal Sudborough [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

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