
S. Basrour

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5EEM. Marzencki, Yasser Ammar, S. Basrour: Design, Fabrication and Characterization of a Piezoelectric Microgenerator Including a Power Management Circuit CoRR abs/0802.3044: (2008)
4EEC. Jean-Mistral, S. Basrour, J. J. Chaillout, A. Bonvilain: A complete study of electroactive polymers for energy scavenging: modelling and experiments CoRR abs/0802.3046: (2008)
3EEHela Boussetta, S. Basrour, M. Marzencki: Top-Down Behavioral Modeling Methodology of a Piezoelectric Microgenerator For Integrated Power Harvesting Systems CoRR abs/0805.0873: (2008)
2EEL. Carlioz, J. Delamare, S. Basrour, G. Poulin: Hybridization of Magnetism and Piezoelectricity for an Energy Scavenger based on Temporal Variation of Temperature CoRR abs/0805.0874: (2008)
1EEYasser Ammar, S. Basrour: Non Linear Techniques for Increasing Harvesting Energy from Piezoelectric and Electromagnetic Micro-Power-Generators CoRR abs/0711.3308: (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Yasser Ammar [1] [5]
2A. Bonvilain [4]
3Hela Boussetta [3]
4L. Carlioz [2]
5J. J. Chaillout [4]
6J. Delamare [2]
7C. Jean-Mistral [4]
8M. Marzencki [3] [5]
9G. Poulin [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)