
Shariq Bashir

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11EEShariq Bashir, Abdul Rauf Baig: FastLMFI: An Efficient Approach for Local Maximal Patterns Propagation and Maximal Patterns Superset Checking CoRR abs/0904.3310: (2009)
10EEShariq Bashir, Abdul Rauf Baig: HybridMiner: Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets Using Hybrid Database Representation Approach CoRR abs/0904.3312: (2009)
9EEShariq Bashir, Abdul Rauf Baig: Ramp: Fast Frequent Itemset Mining with Efficient Bit-Vector Projection Technique CoRR abs/0904.3316: (2009)
8EEShariq Bashir, Zahoor Jan, Abdul Rauf Baig: Fast Algorithms for Mining Interesting Frequent Itemsets without Minimum Support CoRR abs/0904.3319: (2009)
7EEShariq Bashir, Saad Razzaq, Umer Maqbool, Sonya Tahir, Abdul Rauf Baig: Using Association Rules for Better Treatment of Missing Values CoRR abs/0904.3320: (2009)
6EEShariq Bashir, Saad Razzaq, Umer Maqbool, Sonya Tahir, Abdul Rauf Baig: Introducing Partial Matching Approach in Association Rules for Better Treatment of Missing Values CoRR abs/0904.3321: (2009)
5EEShariq Bashir, Zahid Halim, Abdul Rauf Baig: Mining fault tolerant frequent patterns using pattern growth approach. AICCSA 2008: 172-179
4EEZahoor Jan, Muhammad Abrar, Shariq Bashir, Anwar M. Mirza: Seasonal to Inter-annual Climate Prediction Using Data Mining KNN Technique. IMTIC 2008: 40-51
3EEHong Linh Truong, Lukasz Juszczyk, Shariq Bashir, Atif Manzoor, Schahram Dustdar: Vimoware - A Toolkit for Mobile Web Services and Collaborative Computing. SEAA 2008: 366-373
2EEShariq Bashir, Abdul Rauf Baig: Max-FTP: Mining Maximal Fault-Tolerant Frequent Patterns from Databases. BNCOD 2007: 235-246
1EEShariq Bashir, Abdul Rauf Baig: Ramp: High Performance Frequent Itemset Mining with Efficient Bit-Vector Projection Technique. PAKDD 2006: 504-508

Coauthor Index

1Muhammad Abrar [4]
2Abdul Rauf Baig [1] [2] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Schahram Dustdar [3]
4Zahid Halim [5]
5Zahoor Jan [4] [8]
6Lukasz Juszczyk [3]
7Atif Manzoor [3]
8Umer Maqbool [6] [7]
9Anwar M. Mirza [4]
10Saad Razzaq [6] [7]
11Sonya Tahir [6] [7]
12Hong Linh Truong [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)