
Regina Barzilay

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31 Jacob Eisenstein, Regina Barzilay, Randall Davis: Discourse Topic and Gestural Form. AAAI 2008: 836-841
30 Benjamin Snyder, Regina Barzilay: Cross-lingual Propagation for Morphological Analysis. AAAI 2008: 848-854
29EEBenjamin Snyder, Tahira Naseem, Jacob Eisenstein, Regina Barzilay: Unsupervised Multilingual Learning for POS Tagging. EMNLP 2008: 1041-1050
28EEJacob Eisenstein, Regina Barzilay: Bayesian Unsupervised Topic Segmentation. EMNLP 2008: 334-343
27EERegina Barzilay, Mirella Lapata: Modeling Local Coherence: An Entity-Based Approach. Computational Linguistics 34(1): 1-34 (2008)
26 Jacob Eisenstein, Regina Barzilay, Randall Davis: Turning Lectures into Comic Books Using Linguistically Salient Gestures. AAAI 2007: 877-882
25EES. R. K. Branavan, Pawan Deshpande, Regina Barzilay: Generating a Table-of-Contents. ACL 2007
24EEIgor Malioutov, Alex Park, Regina Barzilay, James R. Glass: Making Sense of Sound: Unsupervised Topic Segmentation over Acoustic Input. ACL 2007
23EEBenjamin Snyder, Regina Barzilay: Multiple Aspect Ranking Using the Good Grief Algorithm. HLT-NAACL 2007: 300-307
22EEPawan Deshpande, Regina Barzilay, David Karger: Randomized Decoding for Selection-and-Ordering Problems. HLT-NAACL 2007: 444-451
21EEBenjamin Snyder, Regina Barzilay: Database-Text Alignment via Structured Multilabel Classification. IJCAI 2007: 1713-1718
20EEIgor Malioutov, Regina Barzilay: Minimum Cut Model for Spoken Lecture Segmentation. ACL 2006
19EERegina Barzilay, Mirella Lapata: Aggregation via Set Partitioning for Natural Language Generation. HLT-NAACL 2006
18EEDavid Kauchak, Regina Barzilay: Paraphrasing for Automatic Evaluation. HLT-NAACL 2006
17EERonilda C. Lacson, Regina Barzilay, William J. Long: Automatic analysis of medical dialogue in the home hemodialysis domain: Structure induction and summarization. Journal of Biomedical Informatics: 541-555 (2006)
16EERegina Barzilay, Mirella Lapata: Modeling Local Coherence: An Entity-Based Approach. ACL 2005
15EERegina Barzilay, Mirella Lapata: Collective Content Selection for Concept-to-Text Generation. HLT/EMNLP 2005
14EEMirella Lapata, Regina Barzilay: Automatic Evaluation of Text Coherence: Models and Representations. IJCAI 2005: 1085-1090
13EERegina Barzilay, Kathleen McKeown: Sentence Fusion for Multidocument News Summarization. Computational Linguistics 31(3): 297-328 (2005)
12EERegina Barzilay, Lillian Lee: Catching the Drift: Probabilistic Content Models, with Applications to Generation and Summarization. HLT-NAACL 2004: 113-120
11EERegina Barzilay, Lillian Lee: Catching the Drift: Probabilistic Content Models, with Applications to Generation and Summarization CoRR cs.CL/0405039: (2004)
10EEKathleen McKeown, Regina Barzilay, John Chen, David K. Elson, David Kirk Evans, Judith Klavans, Ani Nenkova, Barry Schiffman, Sergey Sigelman: Columbia's Newsblaster: New Features and Future Directions. HLT-NAACL 2003
9EERegina Barzilay, Lillian Lee: Learning to Paraphrase: An Unsupervised Approach Using Multiple-Sequence Alignment. HLT-NAACL 2003
8EERegina Barzilay, Lillian Lee: Learning to Paraphrase: An Unsupervised Approach Using Multiple-Sequence Alignment CoRR cs.CL/0304006: (2003)
7EERegina Barzilay, Lillian Lee: Bootstrapping Lexical Choice via Multiple-Sequence Alignment CoRR cs.CL/0205065: (2002)
6EERegina Barzilay, Noemie Elhadad, Kathleen McKeown: Inferring Strategies for Sentence Ordering in Multidocument News Summarization. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 17: 35-55 (2002)
5EERegina Barzilay, Kathleen McKeown: Extracting Paraphrases from a Parallel Corpus. ACL 2001: 50-57
4 Regina Barzilay, Michael Collins, Julia Hirschberg, Steve Whittaker: The Rules Behind Roles: Identifying Speaker Role in Radio Broadcasts. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 679-684
3 Amanda M. Holland-Minkley, Regina Barzilay, Robert L. Constable: Verbalization of High-Level Formal Proofs. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 277-284
2 Kathleen McKeown, Judith Klavans, Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou, Regina Barzilay, Eleazar Eskin: Towards Multidocument Summarization by Reformulation: Progress and Prospects. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 453-460
1EERegina Barzilay, Kathleen McKeown, Michael Elhadad: Information Fusion in the Context of Multi-Document Summarization. ACL 1999

Coauthor Index

1S. R. K. Branavan [25]
2John Chen [10]
3Michael Collins [4]
4Robert L. Constable [3]
5Randall Davis [26] [31]
6Pawan Deshpande [22] [25]
7Jacob Eisenstein [26] [28] [29] [31]
8Michael Elhadad [1]
9Noemie Elhadad [6]
10David K. Elson [10]
11Eleazar Eskin [2]
12David Kirk Evans [10]
13James R. Glass [24]
14Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou [2]
15Julia Hirschberg [4]
16Amanda M. Holland-Minkley [3]
17David Karger [22]
18David Kauchak [18]
19Judith L. Klavans (Judith Klavans) [2] [10]
20Ronilda C. Lacson [17]
21Mirella Lapata [14] [15] [16] [19] [27]
22Lillian Lee [7] [8] [9] [11] [12]
23William J. Long [17]
24Igor Malioutov [20] [24]
25Kathleen McKeown [1] [2] [5] [6] [10] [13]
26Tahira Naseem [29]
27Ani Nenkova [10]
28Alex Park [24]
29Barry Schiffman [10]
30Sergey Sigelman [10]
31Benjamin Snyder [21] [23] [29] [30]
32Steve Whittaker [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)