
Stuart Barnes

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7EEMary Tate, Joerg Evermann, Beverley G. Hope, Stuart Barnes: Perceived Service Quality in a University Web Portal: Revising the E-Qual Instrument. HICSS 2007: 147
6EEShuo Wang, Stuart Barnes: Exploring the acceptance of mobile auctions in China. ICMB 2007: 27
5 Xueqing Zhang, Stuart Barnes, David W. Hammond: Surface Classification from Aircraft Icing Droplet Splash Images. World Congress on Engineering 2007: 690-695
4EEStuart Barnes: Virtual worlds as a medium for advertising. DATA BASE 38(4): 45-55 (2007)
3EEYue Guo, Stuart Barnes: Why people buy virtual items in virtual worlds with real money. DATA BASE 38(4): 69-76 (2007)
2EEDaniel C. Y. Yip, M. C. Law, K. P. Cheng, K. H. Lau, Stuart Barnes: Knowledge intensive CAD in product design validation. KES Journal 9(2): 45-61 (2005)
1EEK. P. Cheng, Daniel C. Y. Yip, K. H. Lau, Stuart Barnes: Development of a Generic Computer Aided Deductive Algorithm for Process Parameter Design. KES 2004: 28-35

Coauthor Index

1K. P. Cheng [1] [2]
2Joerg Evermann [7]
3Yue Guo [3]
4David W. Hammond [5]
5Beverley G. Hope [7]
6K. H. Lau [1] [2]
7M. C. Law [2]
8Mary Tate [7]
9Shuo Wang [6]
10Daniel C. Y. Yip [1] [2]
11Xueqing Zhang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)