
Yvonne Barnard

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6 Jacobijn Sandberg, Yvonne Barnard: Interviews on AI and Education: Ecucation and Technology: What do we know? And where is AI? AI Commun. 6(1): 47-58 (1993)
5 Jacobijn Sandberg, Yvonne Barnard: Interviews on AI and Education: John Anderson and Clotile Pontecorvo. AI Commun. 5(1): 28-35 (1992)
4 Jacobijn Sandberg, Yvonne Barnard: Interviews on AI and Education: Kurt Vanlehn and David Merrill. AI Commun. 5(2): 85-91 (1992)
3 Jacobijn Sandberg, Yvonne Barnard: Interviews on AI and Education: Beverly Woolf and Roger Schank. AI Commun. 5(3): 148-155 (1992)
2 Jacobijn Sandberg, Yvonne Barnard: Interviews on AI and Education: Jan Elshout. AI Commun. 5(4): 191-194 (1992)
1 Jacobijn Sandberg, Yvonne Barnard: Interviews on AI and Education: Allan Collins and Stellan Ohlsson. AI Commun. 4(4): 132-144 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Jacobijn Sandberg [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)