
John M. Barnard

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19EEPeter Willett, John M. Barnard, Geoffrey M. Downs: Chemical Similarity Searching. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 38(6): 983-996 (1998)
18EEJohn M. Barnard, Geoffrey M. Downs: Chemical Fragment Generation and Clustering Software. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37(1): 141-142 (1997)
17EEGeoffrey M. Downs, John M. Barnard: Techniques for Generating Descriptive Fingerprints in Combinatorial Libraries. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37(1): 59-61 (1997)
16 Frank H. Allen, John M. Barnard, Anthony P. F. Cook, Sydney R. Hall: The Molecular Information File (MIF): Core Specifications of a New Standard Format for Chemical Data. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 35(3): 412-427 (1995)
15EEJohn M. Barnard: Substructure searching methods: Old and new. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 33(4): 532-538 (1993)
14EEJohn M. Barnard, Geoffrey M. Downs: Clustering of chemical structures on the basis of two-dimensional similarity measures. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 32(6): 644-649 (1992)
13EEJohn M. Barnard: A comparison of different approaches to Markush structure handling. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 31(1): 64-68 (1991)
12EEWinfried Dethlefsen, Michael F. Lynch, Valerie J. Gillet, Geoffrey M. Downs, John D. Holliday, John M. Barnard: Computer storage and retrieval of generic chemical structures in patents. 11. Theoretical aspects of the use of structure languages in a retrieval system. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 31(2): 233-253 (1991)
11EEWinfried Dethlefsen, Michael F. Lynch, Valerie J. Gillet, Geoffrey M. Downs, John D. Holliday, John M. Barnard: Computer storage and retrieval of generic chemical structures in patents. 12. Principles of search operations involving parameter lists: matching-relations, user-defined match levels, and transition from the reduced graph search to the refined search. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 31(2): 253-260 (1991)
10EEJohn M. Barnard: Draft specification for revised version of the Standard Molecular Data (SMD) Format. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 30(1): 81-96 (1990)
9EEValerie J. Gillet, Stephen M. Welford, Michael F. Lynch, Peter Willett, John M. Barnard, Geoffrey M. Downs, Gordon A. Manson, J. Thompson: Computer storage and retrieval of generic chemical structures in patents. 7. Parallel simulation of a relaxation algorithm for chemical substructure search. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 26(3): 118-126 (1986)
8EEMichael F. Lynch, John M. Barnard, Stephen M. Welford: Generic structure storage and retrieval. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 25(3): 264-270 (1985)
7EEStephen M. Welford, Michael F. Lynch, John M. Barnard: Computer storage and retrieval of generic chemical structures in patents. 5. Algorithmic generation of fragment descriptors for generic structure screening. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 24(2): 57-66 (1984)
6EEJohn M. Barnard, Michael F. Lynch, Stephen M. Welford: Computer storage and retrieval of generic chemical structures in patents. 6. An interpreter program for the generic structure description language GENSAL. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 24(2): 66-71 (1984)
5EEJohn M. Barnard, Michael F. Lynch, Stephen M. Welford: Computer storage and retrieval of generic structures in chemical patents. 4. An extended connection table representation for generic structures. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 22(3): 160-164 (1982)
4EEJohn M. Barnard, Peter Willett: Method for generating a chemical reaction index for storage and retrieval of information. Comments. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 21(3): 140-141 (1981)
3EEMichael F. Lynch, John M. Barnard, Stephen M. Welford: Computer storage and retrieval of generic chemical structures in patents, 1. Introduction and general strategy. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 21(3): 148-150 (1981)
2EEJohn M. Barnard, Michael F. Lynch, Stephen M. Welford: Computer storage and retrieval of generic chemical structures in patents, 2. GENSAL, a formal language for the description of generic chemical structures. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 21(3): 151-161 (1981)
1EEStephen M. Welford, Michael F. Lynch, John M. Barnard: Computer storage and retrieval of generic chemical structures in patents, 3. Chemical grammars and their role in the manipulation of chemical structures. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 21(3): 161-168 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Frank H. Allen [16]
2Anthony P. F. Cook [16]
3Winfried Dethlefsen [11] [12]
4Geoffrey M. Downs [9] [11] [12] [14] [17] [18] [19]
5Valerie J. Gillet [9] [11] [12]
6Sydney R. Hall [16]
7John D. Holliday [11] [12]
8Michael F. Lynch [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12]
9Gordon A. Manson [9]
10J. Thompson [9]
11Stephen M. Welford [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
12Peter Willett [4] [9] [19]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)