
Lluis Barceló

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7EERamon Lluis Felip, Lluis Barceló, Xavier Binefa, John R. Kender: Robust Dominant Motion Estimation Using MPEG Information in Sport Sequences. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(1): 12-22 (2008)
6EELluis Barceló, Xavier Binefa, John R. Kender: Robust Methods and Representations for Soccer Player Tracking and Collision Resolution. CIVR 2005: 237-246
5EELluis Barceló, Ramon Lluis Felip, Xavier Binefa: A new approach for real time motion imation using robust statistics and MPEG domain applied to mosaic images construction. ICME 2005: 398-401
4EELluis Barceló, Xavier Binefa: Contextual Soccer Detection Using Mosaicing Techniques. IbPRIA (1) 2005: 77-84
3EELluis Barceló, Xavier Orriols, Xavier Binefa: Spatio-Temporal Decomposition of Sport Events for Video Indexing. CIVR 2003: 435-445
2EELluis Barceló, Xavier Binefa: Bayesian Video Mosaicing with Moving Objects. IJPRAI 16(3): 341-348 (2002)
1EELluis Barceló, Xavier Orriols, Xavier Binefa: Polynomial fiber description of motion for video mosaicing. ICIP (3) 2001: 386-389

Coauthor Index

1Xavier Binefa [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Ramon Lluis Felip [5] [7]
3John R. Kender [6] [7]
4Xavier Orriols [1] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)