
Gang Bao

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7EEGang Bao, Guangye Li: Optimal Design in Nonlinear Optics. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 2725-2731
6EEGang Bao, Weiwei Sun: A Fast Algorithm for the Electromagnetic Scattering from a Large Cavity. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 27(2): 553-574 (2005)
5EEGang Bao, Peijun Li: Inverse Medium Scattering Problems for Electromagnetic Waves. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 65(6): 2049-2066 (2005)
4EEHabib Ammari, Gang Bao: Maxwell's Equations in a Perturbed Periodic Structure. Adv. Comput. Math. 16(2-3): 99-112 (2002)
3EEGang Bao, Karim Ramdani: Resonant frequencies for diffraction gratings. Appl. Math. Lett. 15(6): 755-760 (2002)
2EEGang Bao, Habib Ammari, John L. Fleming: An Inverse Source Problem for Maxwell's Equations in Magnetoencephalography. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 62(4): 1369-1382 (2002)
1 Gang Bao: Performance evaluation of TCP/RLP protocol stack over CDMA wireless link. Wireless Networks 2(3): 229-237 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Habib Ammari [2] [4]
2John L. Fleming [2]
3Guangye Li [7]
4Peijun Li [5]
5Karim Ramdani [3]
6Weiwei Sun [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)