
Amit Bandopadhay

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3EEDel Lamb, Amit Bandopadhay: Shape from line drawings: beyond Huffman-Clowes labeling. Pattern Recognition Letters 14(3): 213-219 (1993)
2 Amit Bandopadhay, Dana H. Ballard: Egomotion perception using visual tracking. Computational Intelligence 7: 39-47 (1991)
1 Del Lamb, Amit Bandopadhay: Interpreting a 3D Object from a Rough 2D Line Drawing. IEEE Visualization 1990: 59-66

Coauthor Index

1Dana H. Ballard [2]
2Del Lamb [1] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)