
Olga L. Bandman

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15EEOlga L. Bandman: Coarse-Grained Parallelization of Cellular-Automata Simulation Algorithms. PaCT 2007: 370-384
14EEOlga L. Bandman: Parallel Simulation of Asynchronous Cellular Automata Evolution. ACRI 2006: 41-47
13EEOlga L. Bandman: Composing Fine-Grained Parallel Algorithms for Spatial Dynamics Simulation. PaCT 2005: 99-113
12EEOlga L. Bandman: Computation properties of spatial dynamics simulation by probabilistic cellular automata. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(4): 633-643 (2005)
11EEOlga L. Bandman: Algebraic Properties of Cellular Automata: The Basis for Composition Technique. ACRI 2004: 688-697
10EEOlga L. Bandman: Accuracy and Stability of Spatial Dynamics Simulation by Cellular Automata Evolution. PaCT 2003: 20-34
9EEOlga L. Bandman: Simulating Spatial Dynamics by Probabilistic Cellular Automata. ACRI 2002: 10-19
8EEOlga L. Bandman: Cellular-neural automaton: a hybrid model for reaction-diffusion simulation. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(6): 737-745 (2002)
7EEOlga L. Bandman: A Hybrid Approach to Reaction-Diffusion Processes Simulation. PaCT 2001: 1-16
6EEOlga L. Bandman: Fine-Grained Parallelism in Computational Mathematics. Programming and Computer Software 27(4): 170-182 (2001)
5EEOlga L. Bandman: Comparative Study of Cellular-Automata Diffusion Models. PaCT 1999: 395-409
4EEOlga L. Bandman, Sergey Pudov: Design and Simulations of Cellular Neural-like Associative Memory. DIS-RT 1997: 49-56
3 Yuri Pogudin, Olga L. Bandman: Simulating Cellular Computations with ALT. A Tutorial. PaCT 1997: 424-435
2 Olga L. Bandman: Cellular-Neural Computations. Formal Model and Possible Applications. PaCT 1995: 21-35
1 Olga L. Bandman, S. V. Piskunov: Parallel microprogramming as a tool for multi-microprocessor systems. Parcella 1988: 57-72

Coauthor Index

1S. V. Piskunov [1]
2Yuri Pogudin [3]
3Sergey Pudov [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)