
Cesar Bandera

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5EESusan S. Young, Peter D. Scott, Cesar Bandera: Foveal automatic target recognition using a multiresolution neural network. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7(8): 1122-1135 (1998)
4 Fenglei Du, Andrew Izatt, Cesar Bandera: Parallel Programming for Real-Time Image Processing Using Computing Agents. PDPTA 1997: 1505-1514
3EEFenglei Du, Andrew Izatt, Cesar Bandera: An MIMD Computing Platform for a Hierarchical Foveal Machine Vision System. CVPR 1996: 720-725
2 Cesar Bandera, Francisco J. Vico, José Manuel Bravo, Mance E. Harmon, Leemon C. Baird III: Residual Q-Learning Applied to Visual Attention. ICML 1996: 20-27
1 Cesar Bandera, I. M. Conde, J. Jerez, M. González, Francisco J. Vico, F. Ortega: A Multiacuity Connectionist Model for Local Speed Estimation. IWANN 1995: 979-986

Coauthor Index

1Leemon C. Baird III [2]
2José Manuel Bravo [2]
3I. M. Conde [1]
4Fenglei Du [3] [4]
5M. González [1]
6Mance E. Harmon [2]
7Andrew Izatt [3] [4]
8J. Jerez [1]
9F. Ortega [1]
10Peter D. Scott [5]
11Francisco J. Vico [1] [2]
12Susan S. Young [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)