
Wolfgang Balzer

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6 Wolfgang Balzer, Raimo Tuomela: Collective Intentions and the Maintenance of Social Practices. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 6(1): 7-33 (2003)
5EEWolfgang Balzer, Karl R. Brendel, Solveig Hofmann: Bad Arguments in the Comparison of Game Theory and Simulation in Social Studies. J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 4(2): (2001)
4 Wolfgang Balzer: SMASS: A Serial Multi-Agent System for Social Simulation. Tools and Techniques for Social Science Simulation 1997: 65-82
3 Wolfgang Balzer, Raimo Tuomela: The Structure and Verification of Plan-Based Joint Intentions. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 6(1): 3-26 (1997)
2 Wolfgang Balzer, Bernhard Lauth, Gerhard Zoubek: A model for science kinematics. Studia Logica 52(4): 519-548 (1993)
1EEWolfgang Balzer, Masanobu Takahashi, Jun Ohta, Kazuo Kyuma: Weight quantization in Boltzmann machines. Neural Networks 4(3): 405-409 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Karl R. Brendel [5]
2Solveig Hofmann [5]
3Kazuo Kyuma [1]
4Bernhard Lauth [2]
5Jun Ohta [1]
6Masanobu Takahashi [1]
7Raimo Tuomela [3] [6]
8Gerhard Zoubek [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)