
Andreas Baltz

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15EENitin Ahuja, Andreas Baltz, Benjamin Doerr, Ales Prívetivý, Anand Srivastav: On the minimum load coloring problem. J. Discrete Algorithms 5(3): 533-545 (2007)
14EEAndreas Baltz, Devdatt P. Dubhashi, Anand Srivastav, Libertad Tansini, Sören Werth: Probabilistic analysis for a multiple depot vehicle routing problem. Random Struct. Algorithms 30(1-2): 206-225 (2007)
13EEAndreas Baltz, Sandro Esquivel, Lasse Kliemann, Anand Srivastav: The Price of Anarchy in Selfish Multicast Routing. CAAN 2006: 5-18
12EEAndreas Baltz, Devdatt P. Dubhashi, Libertad Tansini, Anand Srivastav, Sören Werth: Probabilistic Analysis for a Multiple Depot Vehicle Routing Problem. FSTTCS 2005: 360-371
11EENitin Ahuja, Andreas Baltz, Benjamin Doerr, Ales Prívetivý, Anand Srivastav: On the Minimum Load Coloring Problem. WAOA 2005: 15-26
10EEAndreas Baltz, Peter Hegarty, Jonas Knape, Urban Larsson, Tomasz Schoen: The Structure of Maximum Subsets of {1, ..., n} with No Solutions to a+b = kc. Electr. J. Comb. 12: (2005)
9EEAndreas Baltz, Gerold Jäger, Anand Srivastav: Constructions of sparse asymmetric connectors with number theoretic methods. Networks 45(3): 119-124 (2005)
8EEAndreas Baltz, Anand Srivastav: Approximation algorithms for the Euclidean bipartite TSP. Oper. Res. Lett. 33(4): 403-410 (2005)
7EEAndreas Baltz, Lasse Kliemann: Spectral Analysis. Network Analysis 2004: 373-416
6EENitin Ahuja, Andreas Baltz, Benjamin Doerr, Anand Srivastav: Coloring Graphs with Minimal Edge Load. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 17: 9-13 (2004)
5EEAndreas Baltz, Anand Srivastav: Fast Approximation of Minimum Multicast Congestion - Implementation versus Theory. CIAC 2003: 165-177
4EEAndreas Baltz, Gerold Jäger, Anand Srivastav: Constructions of Sparse Asymmetric Connectors: Extended Abstract. FSTTCS 2003: 13-22
3EEAndreas Baltz, Tomasz Schoen, Anand Srivastav: On the b-Partite Random Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem and Its Assignment Relaxation. RANDOM-APPROX 2001: 192-201
2EEAndreas Baltz, Tomasz Schoen, Anand Srivastav: Pobabilistic Analysis of Bipartite Traveling Salesman Problems (Extended Abstract). Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 7: 42-45 (2001)
1 Andreas Baltz, Tomasz Schoen, Anand Srivastav: Probabilistic Construction of Small Strongly Sum-Free Sets via Large Sidon Sets. RANDOM-APPROX 1999: 138-143

Coauthor Index

1Nitin Ahuja [6] [11] [15]
2Benjamin Doerr [6] [11] [15]
3Devdatt P. Dubhashi [12] [14]
4Sandro Esquivel [13]
5Peter Hegarty [10]
6Gerold Jäger [4] [9]
7Lasse Kliemann [7] [13]
8Jonas Knape [10]
9Urban Larsson [10]
10Ales Prívetivý [11] [15]
11Tomasz Schoen [1] [2] [3] [10]
12Anand Srivastav [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
13Libertad Tansini [12] [14]
14Sören Werth [12] [14]

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