
Zainab Abu Bakar

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4EENursuriati Jamil, Zainab Abu Bakar, Tengku M. T. Sembok: Image Retrieval of Songket Motifs Using Simple Shape Descriptors. GMAI 2006: 171-176
3EENursuriati Jamil, Zainab Abu Bakar, Tengku M. T. Sembok: A Comparison of Noise Removal Techniques in Songket Motif Images. CGIV 2004: 139-143
2EEZainab Abu Bakar, Nurazzah Abdul Rahman: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Thesaurus and Stemming Methods in Retrieving Malay Translated Al-Quran Documents. ICADL 2003: 653-662
1 Zainab Abu Bakar, Tengku M. T. Sembok, Mohammed Yusoff: An evaluation of retrieval effectiveness using spelling-correction and string-similarity matching methods on Malay texts. JASIS 51(8): 691-706 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Nursuriati Jamil [3] [4]
2Nurazzah Abdul Rahman [2]
3Tengku M. T. Sembok [1] [3] [4]
4Mohammed Yusoff [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)