
Anupa Bajwa

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2EERobyn R. Lutz, Ann Patterson-Hine, Anupa Bajwa: Tool-Supported Verification of Contingency Software Design in Evolving, Autonomous Systems. ISSRE 2006: 213-220
1 Edward Balaban, William A. Maul, Adam Sweet, Christopher E. Fulton, Anupa Bajwa, Amy Chicatelli: Transient Region Coverage in the Propulsion IVHM Technology Experiment. IC-AI 2004: 612-618

Coauthor Index

1Edward Balaban [1]
2Amy Chicatelli [1]
3Christopher E. Fulton [1]
4Robyn R. Lutz [2]
5William A. Maul [1]
6Ann Patterson-Hine [2]
7Adam Sweet [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)