
Nijaz Bajgoric

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5EENijaz Bajgoric: Operating Systems: A Business Perspective. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
4EENijaz Bajgoric: Server Operating Systems for E-Business: Features and Functions. IS Management 20(1): 42-49 (2003)
3EENijaz Bajgoric, I. Kuban Altinel, Murat Draman, Alitamer Ünal: Some aspects of using CASE tools in a Fusion-based application development project for production optimization. Industrial Management and Data Systems 102(8): 463-471 (2002)
2EENijaz Bajgoric: Internet Technologies for Improving Data Access. IS Management 18(3): 30-41 (2001)
1EENijaz Bajgoric, I. Kuban Altinel, Murat Draman, Alitamer Ünal: Using Paradigm Plus CASE Tool in a Fusion-Based Application Development Project. TOOLS (31) 1999: 424-427

Coauthor Index

1I. Kuban Altinel [1] [3]
2Murat Draman [1] [3]
3Alitamer Ünal [1] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)