
Marko Bajec

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11EEMarko Bajec, Damjan Vavpotic: A Framework and Tool-Support for Reengineering Software Development Methods. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 19(3): 321-344 (2008)
10EEMarko Bajec, Damjan Vavpotic, Stefan Furlan, Marjan Krisper: Software Process Improvement Based on the Method Engineering Principles. Situational Method Engineering 2007: 283-297
9EEMarko Bajec, Damjan Vavpotic, Marjan Krisper: Practice-driven approach for creating project-specific software development methods. Information & Software Technology 49(4): 345-365 (2007)
8EEMarko Bajec, Rok Rupnik, Marjan Krisper: A Framework for Reengineering Software Development Methods. ICSEA 2006: 28
7EEMarko Bajec, Marjan Krisper: Issues and Challenges in Business Rule-Based Information Systems Development. ECIS 2005
6EEMarko Bajec, Marjan Krisper: A methodology and tool support for managing business rules in organisations. Inf. Syst. 30(6): 423-443 (2005)
5EEMarko Bajec, Marjan Krisper, Rok Rupnik: The scenario for constructing flexible, people-focused systems development methodologies. ECIS 2004
4EERok Rupnik, Marjan Krisper, Marko Bajec: A new application model for mobile technologies. IJITM 3(2/3/4): 282-291 (2004)
3 Marko Bajec, Marjan Krisper, Rok Rupnik: Tracking Business Rule Evolution to Support Is Maintenance. ICEIS (3) 2003: 527-530
2 Marko Bajec, Viljan Mahnic, Marjan Krisper: Portal Technology for Integrated, User-Centric University Information Systems. Information Technology in Educational Management 2002: 93-101
1 Marko Bajec, Marjan Krisper, Rok Rupnik: Developing Software for School Administration and Management. Information Technology in Educational Management 2000: 45-58

Coauthor Index

1Stefan Furlan [10]
2Marjan Krisper [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
3Viljan Mahnic [2]
4Rok Rupnik [1] [3] [4] [5] [8]
5Damjan Vavpotic [9] [10] [11]

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