
Pierre-François Baisnée

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4EEYimeng Dou, Pierre-François Baisnée, Gianluca Pollastri, Yann Pécout, James Nowick, Pierre Baldi: ICBS: a database of interactions between protein chains mediated by ?-sheet formation. Bioinformatics 20(16): 2767-2777 (2004)
3 Pierre-François Baisnée, Steven Hampson, Pierre Baldi: Why are complementary DNA strands symmetric? Bioinformatics 18(8): 1021-1033 (2002)
2 Pierre-François Baisnée, Pierre Baldi, Søren Brunak, Anders Gorm Pedersen: Flexibility of the genetic code with respect to DNA structure. Bioinformatics 17(3): 237-248 (2001)
1 Pierre Baldi, Pierre-François Baisnée: Sequence analysis by additive scales: DNA structure for sequences and repeats of all lengths. Bioinformatics 16(10): 865-889 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Pierre Baldi [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Søren Brunak [2]
3Yimeng Dou [4]
4Steven E. Hampson (Steven Hampson) [3]
5James Nowick [4]
6Yann Pécout [4]
7Anders Gorm Pedersen [2]
8Gianluca Pollastri [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)