
Zubair A. Baig

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5EESalman A. Khan, Zubair A. Baig: A Simulated Evolution-Tabu search hybrid metaheuristic for routing in computer networks. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 3818-3823
4EEZubair A. Baig, Mohamed Baqer, Asad I. Khan: A Pattern Recognition Scheme for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICPR (3) 2006: 1050-1054
3EEZubair A. Baig, Mohamed Baqer, Asad I. Khan: SGSIA-in-Network Data Preprocessing for Secure Grid-Sensor Integration. e-Science 2006: 160
2EEMohamed Baqer, Asad I. Khan, Zubair A. Baig: Implementing a Graph Neuron Array for Pattern Recognition Within Unstructured Wireless Sensor Networks. EUC Workshops 2005: 208-217
1 Zubair A. Baig: Preventing Service Flooding on Internet DNS Servers thru an Application-Level Mechanism: A Performance Analysis. Security and Management 2005: 260-268

Coauthor Index

1Mohamed Baqer [2] [3] [4]
2Asad I. Khan [2] [3] [4]
3Salman A. Khan [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)