
Paul W. Baier

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4 Jiangzhou Wang, Fumiyuki Adachi, Paul W. Baier, James S. Lehnert, Wayne E. Stark, Michael B. Pursley: Guest editorial: wideband CDMA II. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19(1): 1-3 (2001)
3 Anja Klein, Paul W. Baier: Linear Unbiased Data Estimation in Mobile Radio Systems Applying CDMA. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(7): 1058-1066 (1993)
2 Peter Jung, Paul W. Baier: On the Representation of CPM Signals by Linear Superposition of Impulses in the Bandpass Domain. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 10(8): 1236-1242 (1992)
1 W. Kleinhempel, Paul W. Baier: Optimalemphänger für Digitalsignale bei Einwirken von Störsignalen mit statistischen Bindungen. ASST 1990: 258-263

Coauthor Index

1Fumiyuki Adachi [4]
2Peter Jung [2]
3Anja Klein [3]
4W. Kleinhempel [1]
5James S. Lehnert [4]
6Michael B. Pursley [4]
7Wayne E. Stark [4]
8Jiangzhou Wang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)