
Subhash C. Bagui

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4EESubhash C. Bagui, Sikha Bagui, Kuhu Pal, Nikhil R. Pal: Breast cancer detection using rank nearest neighbor classification rules. Pattern Recognition 36(1): 25-34 (2003)
3EESubhash C. Bagui, Nikhil R. Pal: A multistage generalization of the rank nearest neighbor classification rule. Pattern Recognition Letters 16(6): 601-614 (1995)
2EESubhash C. Bagui: Classification using first-stage rank nearest neighbor rule for multiple classes. Pattern Recognition Letters 14(7): 537-544 (1993)
1EESubhash C. Bagui: Classification of multiple observations using a rank nearest neighbor rule. Pattern Recognition Letters 14(8): 611-617 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Sikha Bagui [4]
2Kuhu Pal [4]
3Nikhil R. Pal [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)