
Yunju Baek

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19EEYeonsu Jung, Junghyo Kim, Yunju Baek: TRAT: traffic-aware topology control algorithm for energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks. ICUIMC 2008: 481-485
18EEHyuntae Cho, Yeonsu Jung, Hoon Choi, Hyunsung Jang, Sanghyun Son, Yunju Baek: Precise location tracking system based on time difference of arrival over LR-WPAN. MELT 2008: 67-72
17EEHyuntae Cho, Yeonsu Jung, Hoon Choi, Hyunsung Jang, Sanghyun Son, Yunju Baek: Real Time Locating System for Wireless Networks using IEEE 802.15.4 Radio. SECON 2008: 578-580
16EEHyuntae Cho, Woonghyun Lee, Yunju Baek: LDFSA: A Learning-Based Dynamic Framed Slotted ALOHA for Collision Arbitration in Active RFID Systems. GPC 2007: 655-665
15EEJunghyo Kim, Dongho Jung, Yeonsu Jung, Yunju Baek: Scalable RTLS: Design and Implementation of the Scalable Real Time Locating System Using Active RFID. ICOIN 2007: 503-512
14EESoyoung Hwang, Yunju Baek: Fault Tolerant Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor Networks. ARCS 2006: 480-493
13EEHyuntae Cho, Yunju Baek: Design and Implementation of an Active RFID System Platform. SAINT Workshops 2006: 80-83
12EEHyuntae Cho, Hoon Choi, Woonghyun Lee, Yeonsu Jung, Yunju Baek: Design and Implementation of a Smart Tag System for IT-Based Port Logistics. UIC 2006: 32-43
11EEHyuntae Cho, Hoon Choi, Woonghyun Lee, Yeonsu Jung, Yunju Baek: LITeTag: Design and Implementation of an RFID System for IT-based Port Logistics. JCM 1(4): 48-57 (2006)
10EEGunhan Park, Yunju Baek, Heung-Kyu Lee: Web image retrieval using majority-based ranking approach. Multimedia Tools Appl. 31(2): 195-219 (2006)
9EESoyoung Hwang, Yunju Baek: Reliable Time Synchronization Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. EUC 2005: 663-672
8EEHyuntae Cho, Yunju Baek: Location-Based Routing Protocol for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks. EUC Workshops 2005: 622-631
7EESoyoung Hwang, Yunju Baek: Reliable Time Synchronization Protocol in Sensor Networks Considering Topology Changes. IWDC 2005: 105-110
6EEGunhan Park, Yunju Baek, Heung-Kyu Lee: Re-ranking algorithm using post-retrieval clustering for content-based image retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 41(2): 177-194 (2005)
5EEGunhan Park, Yunju Baek, Heung-Kyu Lee: Erratum to "Re-ranking algorithm using post-retrieval clustering for content-based image retrieval" [Information Processing and Management 41 (2004) 177-194]. Inf. Process. Manage. 41(2): 410 (2005)
4EEGunhan Park, Yunju Baek, Heung-Kyu Lee: Majority Based Ranking Approach in Web Image Retrieval. CIVR 2003: 111-120
3EEGunhan Park, Yunju Baek, Heung-Kyu Lee: A Ranking Algorithm Using Dynamic Clustering for Content-Based Image Retrieval. CIVR 2002: 328-337
2 Yunju Baek, Hyuntae Cho, B. Kim: Uses of Learning Objects in a Wireless Internet Based Learning System. ICCE 2002: 898-900
1EEHyung Shin Kim, Yunju Baek, Heung-Kyu Lee, Young-Ho Suh: Robust Image Watermark Using Radon Transform and Bispectrum Invariants. Information Hiding 2002: 145-159

Coauthor Index

1Hyuntae Cho [2] [8] [11] [12] [13] [16] [17] [18]
2Hoon Choi [11] [12] [17] [18]
3Soyoung Hwang [7] [9] [14]
4Hyunsung Jang [17] [18]
5Dongho Jung [15]
6Yeonsu Jung [11] [12] [15] [17] [18] [19]
7B. Kim [2]
8Hyung Shin Kim [1]
9Junghyo Kim [15] [19]
10Heung-Kyu Lee [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [10]
11Woonghyun Lee [11] [12] [16]
12Gunhan Park [3] [4] [5] [6] [10]
13Sanghyun Son [17] [18]
14Young-Ho Suh [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)