2005 |
4 | EE | Dongkil Tak,
Yongeun Bae,
Chunkyun Youn,
Ilyong Chung:
A Parallel Routing Algorithm on Circulant Networks Employing the Hamiltonian Circuit Latin Square.
NPC 2005: 172-175 |
2004 |
3 | EE | Yongeun Bae,
Chunkyun Youn,
Ilyong Chung:
Application of the Hamiltonian Circuit Latin Square to the Parallel Routing Algorithm on 2-Circulant Networks.
CIS 2004: 219-224 |
2003 |
2 | EE | Seongyeol Kim,
Okbin Lee,
Yeijin Lee,
Yongeun Bae,
Ilyong Chung:
Application of Fiat-Shamir Identification Protocol to Design of a Secure Mobile Agent System.
ISCIS 2003: 763-770 |
1 | | Okbin Lee,
Yongeun Bae,
Ilyong Chung:
The Design of an Efficient Load Balancing Algorithm Employing a Symmetric Balanced Incomplete Block Design.
PDPTA 2003: 498-503 |