
Fouad Badran

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18EEJulien Brajard, Fouad Badran, Michel Crépon, Sylvie Thiria: Validation of model simulations with respect to in situ observations by the use of probabilistic estimations. IJCNN 2008: 3015-3019
17EEMustapha Lebbah, Aymeric Chazottes, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria: Mixed Topological Map. ESANN 2005: 357-362
16EEMustapha Lebbah, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria: Visualization and classification with categorical topological map. ESANN 2004: 459-464
15EEMustapha Lebbah, Christian Chabanon, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria: Categorical Topological Map. ICANN 2002: 890-895
14EEMéziane Yacoub, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria: A Topological Hierarchical Clustering: Application to Ocean Color Classification. ICANN 2001: 492-499
13EEMustapha Lebbah, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria: Topological map for binary data. ESANN 2000: 267-272
12EEFouad Badran, Michel Crépon, Carlos Mejia, Sylvie Thiria, N. Tran: Empirical transfer function determination by the use of multilayer perceptron. Neurocomputing 30(1-4): 31-35 (2000)
11EEP. Richaume, Fouad Badran, Michel Crépon, Carlos Mejia, H. Roquet, Sylvie Thiria: Neural network wind retrieval from ERS-1 scatterometer data. Neurocomputing 30(1-4): 37-46 (2000)
10EEChristophe Ambroise, Geniève Sèze, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria: Hierarchical clustering of self-organizing maps for cloud classification. Neurocomputing 30(1-4): 47-52 (2000)
9EEFatiha Anouar, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria: Probabilistic self-organizing map and radial basis function networks. Neurocomputing 20(1-3): 83-96 (1998)
8 Fatiha Anouar, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria: Probabilistic self organized map - application to classification. ESANN 1997
7EEFouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria: Neural Network Smoothing in Correlated Time Series Context. Neural Networks 10(8): 1445-1453 (1997)
6 P. Daigremont, H. de Lassus, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria: Regression by Topological Map: Application on Real Data. ICANN 1996: 185-190
5 H. de Lassus, P. Daigremont, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria, A. Lecacheux: Classification Rejection by Prediction. ICANN 1996: 293-298
4 Fatiha Anouar, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria: Topological Maps for Mixture Densities. ICANN 1996: 833-838
3EEFouad Badran, Carlos Mejia, Sylvie Thiria, Michel Crépon: Remote sensing operations. Int. J. Neural Syst. 6(4): 447-453 (1995)
2EESylvie Thiria, Carlos Mejia, Fouad Badran, Michel Crépon: Multimodular Architecture fir Remote Sensing Options. NIPS 1991: 675-682
1EEPatrick Gallinari, Sylvie Thiria, Fouad Badran, Françoise Fogelman-Soulié: On the relations between discriminant analysis and multilayer perceptrons. Neural Networks 4(3): 349-360 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Christophe Ambroise [10]
2Fatiha Anouar [4] [8] [9]
3Julien Brajard [18]
4Christian Chabanon [15]
5Aymeric Chazottes [17]
6Michel Crépon [2] [3] [11] [12] [18]
7P. Daigremont [5] [6]
8Françoise Fogelman-Soulié [1]
9Patrick Gallinari [1]
10H. de Lassus [5] [6]
11Mustapha Lebbah [13] [15] [16] [17]
12A. Lecacheux [5]
13Carlos Mejia [2] [3] [11] [12]
14P. Richaume [11]
15H. Roquet [11]
16Geniève Sèze [10]
17Sylvie Thiria [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
18N. Tran [12]
19Méziane Yacoub [14]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)