
Mihal Badjonski

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4EEMihal Badjonski, Mirjana Ivanovic, Zoran Budimac: AJA - Tool for Programming Adaptable Agents. AIAI 2006: 516-523
3EEMihal Badjonski, Mirjana Ivanovic, Zoran Budimac: Adaptable Java Agents (AJA): a tool for programming of multi-agent systems. SIGPLAN Notices 40(2): 17-26 (2005)
2 Mihal Badjonski, Mirjana Ivanovic, A. Takaci: Agent-Based Traveling. ADBIS-DASFAA Symposium 2000: 11-20
1 Mihal Badjonski, Mirjana Ivanovic, Zoran Budimac: Software Specification Using LASS. ASIAN 1997: 375-376

Coauthor Index

1Zoran Budimac [1] [3] [4]
2Mirjana Ivanovic [1] [2] [3] [4]
3A. Takaci [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)