
Olaf Bachmann

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4EEOlaf Bachmann, Hans Schönemann: Monomial Representations for Gröbner Bases Computations. ISSAC 1998: 309-316
3EEOlaf Bachmann, Hans Schönemann, Simon Gray: MPP: A Framework for Distributed Polynomial Computations. ISSAC 1996: 103-112
2EERon Avitzur, Olaf Bachmann, Norbert Kajler: From Honest to Intelligent Plotting. ISSAC 1995: 32-41
1EEOlaf Bachmann, Paul S. Wang, Eugene V. Zima: Chains of Recurrences - a Method to Expedite the Evaluation of Closed-form Functions. ISSAC 1994: 242-249

Coauthor Index

1Ron Avitzur [2]
2Simon Gray [3]
3Norbert Kajler [2]
4Hans Schönemann [3] [4]
5Paul S. Wang [1]
6Eugene V. Zima [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)