
Christian Bac

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11 Ba-Hung Ngo, Frédérique Silber-Chaussumier, Christian Bac: Enhancing Personal File Retrieval in Semantic File Systems with Tag-Based Context. EGC 2008: 73-78
10EEJoséphine Kohlenberg, Andreea Voiculescu, Eric Renault, Christian Bac, Quang Vu Dang: Collaborative Platform for Universities, Foster Clubs and Scientists in Aerospace Research. ICSNC 2007: 29
9EEQuang Vu Dang, Olivier Berger, Christian Bac, Benoît Hamet: Authenticating from multiple authentication sources in a collaborative platform. OSS 2007: 229-234
8EEBa-Hung Ngo, Christian Bac, Frédérique Silber-Chaussumier, Thang Quyet Le: Towards Ontology-based Semantic File Systems. RIVF 2007: 8-13
7EEDidier Le Tien, Olivier Villin, Christian Bac: CORBA Application Tailored Manager for Quality of Service Support. ISORC 2000: 52-
6EEDidier Le Tien, Olivier Villin, Christian Bac: Lightweight Objects for QoS Management in CORBA. DEXA Workshop 1999: 914-918
5EEDidier Le Tien, Olivier Villin, Christian Bac: Resource Managers for QoS in CORBA. ISORC 1999: 213-222
4EEChristian Bac, Guy Bernard, Didier Le Tien, Olivier Villin: Middleware and Quality of Service. SOFSEM 1999: 79-94
3EEHong Quang Nguyen, Christian Bac, Guy Bernard: Integrating QoS management in a micro-kernel based UNIX operating system. EUROMICRO 1997: 371-378
2 Christian Bac, Guy Bernard, Denis Conan, Quang Hong Nguyen, Chantal Taconet: Experience with Chorus. SOFSEM 1995: 272-291
1EEChristian Bac, Edmond Garnie: Cohabitation and Cooperation of Chorus and MacOS. USENIX Microkernels and Other Kernel Architectures Symposium 1993: 61-72

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Berger [9]
2Guy Bernard [2] [3] [4]
3Denis Conan [2]
4Quang Vu Dang [9] [10]
5Edmond Garnie [1]
6Benoît Hamet [9]
7Joséphine Kohlenberg [10]
8Thang Quyet Le [8]
9Ba-Hung Ngo [8] [11]
10Hong Quang Nguyen [3]
11Quang Hong Nguyen [2]
12Éric Renault (Eric Renault) [10]
13Frédérique Silber-Chaussumier (Frédérique Chaussumier) [8] [11]
14Chantal Taconet [2]
15Didier Le Tien [4] [5] [6] [7]
16Olivier Villin [4] [5] [6] [7]
17Andreea Voiculescu [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)