
Jean-Philippe Babau

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10 Eyob Alemu, Dawit Bekele, Jean-Philippe Babau: MDA Approach for the Development of Embeddable Applications on Communicating Devices. MDEIS 2006: 88-97
9EEJean-Charles Tournier, Jean-Philippe Babau, Vincent Olive: Qinna, a Component-Based QoS Architecture. CBSE 2005: 107-122
8EEJulien DeAntoni, Jean-Philippe Babau: A MDA-based approach for real time embedded systems simulation. DS-RT 2005: 257-264
7EEHedia B. Ben, F. Jumel, Jean-Philippe Babau: Formal Evaluation of Quality of Service for Data Acquisition. FDL 2005: 579-589
6EEJulien DeAntoni, Jean-Philippe Babau: A MDA Approach for Systems Dedicated to Process Control. RTCSA 2005: 567-570
5EEJean-Charles Tournier, Jean-Philippe Babau, Vincent Olive: An evaluation of Qinna, a component-based QoS architecture for embedded systems. SAC 2005: 998-1002
4EEMostefa Belarbi, Jean-Philippe Babau, Jean-Jacques Schwarz: Temporal Verification of Real-Time Multitasking Application Properties Based on Communicating Timed Automata. DS-RT 2004: 188-195
3EEMostefa Belarbi, Jean-Philippe Babau, Jean-Jacques Schwarz: Temporal validation of Real Time multitasking applications based on communicating timed automata. FDL 2004: 578-586
2 Jean-Philippe Babau: Object Oriented Design for Real-Time Systems-Response to C. E. Pereira's Contribution. Real-Time Systems 18(1): 95-99 (2000)
1EEFrancis Cottet, Jean-Philippe Babau: An Iterative Method of Task Temporal Parameter Adjustment in Hard Real-Time Systems. ICECCS 1996: 103-106

Coauthor Index

1Eyob Alemu [10]
2Dawit Bekele [10]
3Mostefa Belarbi [3] [4]
4Hedia B. Ben [7]
5Francis Cottet [1]
6Julien DeAntoni [6] [8]
7F. Jumel [7]
8Vincent Olive [5] [9]
9Jean-Jacques Schwarz [3] [4]
10Jean-Charles Tournier [5] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)