
Sjozef van Baal

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3EESophia Zaimidou, Sjozef van Baal, Timothy D. Smith, Konstantinos Mitropoulos, Mila Ljujic, Dragica Radojkovic, Richard G. Cotton, George P. Patrinos: Development of a universal, flexible and freely available database management system for gene-centered data collection, curation and display of DNA variation. BIBE 2008: 1-6
2EESjozef van Baal, Polynikis Kaimakis, Manyphong Phommarinh, Daphne Koumbi, Harry Cuppens, Francesca Riccardino, Milan Macek Jr., Charles R. Scriver, George P. Patrinos: FINDbase: a relational database recording frequencies of genetic defects leading to inherited disorders worldwide. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 690-695 (2007)
1EEBlaise T. F. Alako, Antoine Veldhoven, Sjozef van Baal, Rob Jelier, Stefan Verhoeven, Ton Rullmann, Jan Polman, Guido Jenster: CoPub Mapper: mining MEDLINE based on search term co-publication. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 51 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Blaise T. F. Alako [1]
2Richard G. Cotton [3]
3Harry Cuppens [2]
4Rob Jelier [1]
5Guido Jenster [1]
6Polynikis Kaimakis [2]
7Daphne Koumbi [2]
8Mila Ljujic [3]
9Milan Macek Jr. [2]
10Konstantinos Mitropoulos [3]
11George P. Patrinos [2] [3]
12Manyphong Phommarinh [2]
13Jan Polman [1]
14Dragica Radojkovic [3]
15Francesca Riccardino [2]
16Ton Rullmann [1]
17Charles R. Scriver [2]
18Timothy D. Smith [3]
19Antoine Veldhoven [1]
20Stefan Verhoeven [1]
21Sophia Zaimidou [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)