
Daniel C. Bünzli

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3EEDaniel C. Bünzli, Rachele Fuzzati, Sergio Mena, Uwe Nestmann, Olivier Rütti, André Schiper, Pawel T. Wojciechowski: Advances in the Design and Implementation of Group Communication Middleware. Research Results of the DICS Program 2006: 172-194
2EEDaniel C. Bünzli, Sergio Mena, Uwe Nestmann: Protocol Composition Frameworks A Header-Driven Model. NCA 2005: 243-246
1EEDaniel C. Bünzli, Mathieu S. Capcarrère: Fault-Tolerant Structures: Towards Robust Self-Replication in a Probabilistic Environment. ECAL 2001: 90-99

Coauthor Index

1Mathieu S. Capcarrère [1]
2Rachele Fuzzati [3]
3Sergio Mena [2] [3]
4Uwe Nestmann [2] [3]
5Olivier Rütti [3]
6André Schiper [3]
7Pawel T. Wojciechowski [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)