
Rainer Böhme

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17EERainer Böhme: Weighted Stego-Image Steganalysis for JPEG Covers. Information Hiding 2008: 178-194
16EEThomas Gloe, Matthias Kirchner, Antje Winkler, Rainer Böhme: Can we trust digital image forensics? ACM Multimedia 2007: 78-86
15EEMatthias Kirchner, Rainer Böhme: Tamper Hiding: Defeating Image Forensics. Information Hiding 2007: 326-341
14EERainer Böhme, Christian Keiler: On the Security of "A Steganographic Scheme for Secure Communications Based on the Chaos and the Euler Theorem". IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9(6): 1325-1329 (2007)
13EERainer Böhme: A Comparison of Market Approaches to Software Vulnerability Disclosure. ETRICS 2006: 298-311
12EERainer Böhme, Gaurav Kataria: On the Limits of Cyber-Insurance. TrustBus 2006: 31-40
11EERainer Böhme, Ralf Reussner: Validation of Predictions with Measurements. Dependability Metrics 2005: 14-18
10EERainer Böhme, Thomas Nowey: Economic Security Metrics. Dependability Metrics 2005: 176-187
9EERainer Böhme, Felix C. Freiling: On Metrics and Measurements. Dependability Metrics 2005: 7-13
8EERainer Böhme: Assessment of Steganalytic Methods Using Multiple Regression Models. Information Hiding 2005: 278-295
7EESven Koble, Rainer Böhme: Economics of Identity Management: A Supply-Side Perspective. Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2005: 259-272
6 Rainer Böhme: IT-Risiken im Schadenversicherungsmodell: Implikationen der Marktstruktur. Sicherheit 2005: 27-40
5EERainer Böhme, Andreas Westfeld: Feature-based encoder classification of compressed audio streams. Multimedia Syst. 11(2): 108-120 (2005)
4EERainer Böhme, Andreas Westfeld: Breaking Cauchy Model-Based JPEG Steganography with First Order Statistics. ESORICS 2004: 125-140
3EERainer Böhme, Andreas Westfeld: Exploiting Preserved Statistics for Steganalysis. Information Hiding 2004: 82-96
2EERainer Böhme, Andreas Westfeld: Statistical characterisation of MP3 encoders for steganalysis. MM&Sec 2004: 25-34
1EERainer Böhme, George Danezis, Claudia Díaz, Stefan Köpsell, Andreas Pfitzmann: On the PET Workshop Panel "Mix Cascades Versus Peer-to-Peer: Is One Concept Superior?". Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2004: 243-255

Coauthor Index

1George Danezis [1]
2Claudia Díaz [1]
3Felix C. Freiling (Felix C. Gärtner) [9]
4Thomas Gloe [16]
5Gaurav Kataria [12]
6Christian Keiler [14]
7Matthias Kirchner [15] [16]
8Sven Koble [7]
9Stefan Köpsell [1]
10Thomas Nowey [10]
11Andreas Pfitzmann [1]
12Ralf Reussner (Ralf H. Reussner) [11]
13Andreas Westfeld [2] [3] [4] [5]
14Antje Winkler [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)