
Micheline Bélanger

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5EEJimmy Perron, Jimmy Hogan, Bernard Moulin, Jean Berger, Micheline Bélanger: A hybrid approach based on multi-agent geosimulation and reinforcement learning to solve a UAV patrolling problem. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 1259-1267
4 Micheline Bélanger: Exploitation of Argumentation Models for Mission Analysis. ExaCt 2007: 64-67
3 Micheline Bélanger, Jean-Marc Martel: Explanations for a Decision Support System Based on MCDA. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 25(2-3): (2006)
2 Micheline Bélanger, Jean-Marc Martel: An Automated Explanation Approach for a Decision Support System based on MCDA. ExaCt 2005: 21-34
1 Bernard Moulin, Hengameh Irandoust, Micheline Bélanger, G. Desbordes: Explanation and Argumentation Capabilities: Towards the Creation of More Persuasive Agents. Artif. Intell. Rev. 17(3): 169-222 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Jean Berger [5]
2G. Desbordes [1]
3Jimmy Hogan [5]
4Hengameh Irandoust [1]
5Jean-Marc Martel [2] [3]
6Bernard Moulin [1] [5]
7Jimmy Perron [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)