
Magali E. Azema-Barac

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3 Apostolos Nikolaos Refenes, Magali E. Azema-Barac: Neural Network Applications in Financial Asset Management. Neural Computing and Applications 2(1): 13-39 (1994)
2 Apostolos Nikolaos Refenes, Magali E. Azema-Barac, L. Chen, S. A. Karoussos: Currency Exchange Rate Prediction and Neural Network Design Strategies. Neural Computing and Applications 1(1): 46-58 (1993)
1 Magali E. Azema-Barac: A Conceptual Framework for Implementing Neural Networks on Massively Parallel Machines. IPPS 1992: 527-530

Coauthor Index

1L. Chen [2]
2S. A. Karoussos [2]
3Apostolos Nikolaos Refenes [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)