
Fred S. Azar

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3EEAli Khamene, Fred S. Azar, Loren Arthur Schwarz, Darko Zikic, Nassir Navab, Eike Rietzel: A Unified and Efficient Approach for Free-form Deformable Registration. ICCV 2007: 1-8
2EEAli Khamene, Sebastian Vogt, Fred S. Azar, Tobias Sielhorst, Frank Sauer, Heinrich Niemann: Local 3D Reconstruction and Augmented Reality Visualization of Free-Hand Ultrasound for Needle Biopsy Procedures. MICCAI (2) 2003: 344-355
1EEFred S. Azar, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Mitchell D. Schnall: Methods for Modeling and Predicting Mechanical Deformations of the Breast Under External Perturbations. MICCAI 2001: 1267-1270

Coauthor Index

1Ali Khamene [2] [3]
2Dimitris N. Metaxas [1]
3Nassir Navab [3]
4Heinrich Niemann [2]
5Eike Rietzel [3]
6Frank Sauer [2]
7Mitchell D. Schnall [1]
8Loren Arthur Schwarz [3]
9Tobias Sielhorst [2]
10Sebastian Vogt [2]
11Darko Zikic [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)