
Owe Axelsson

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16EEOwe Axelsson, János Karátson: Conditioning analysis of separate displacement preconditioners for some nonlinear elasticity systems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 64(6): 649-668 (2004)
15EEOwe Axelsson: Eigenvalue Estimates for Preconditioned Saddle Point Matrices. LSSC 2003: 3-16
14EEOwe Axelsson: Iteration number for the conjugate gradient method. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 61(3-6): 421-435 (2003)
13EEOwe Axelsson, Maya Neytcheva: Preconditioning Methods for Linear Systems with Saddle Point Matrices. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2002: 784-793
12EEOwe Axelsson, Maya Neytcheva: Robust Preconditioners for Saddle Point Problems. Numerical Methods and Application 2002: 158-166
11EEMaya Neytcheva, Owe Axelsson: On a Schur Complement Approach for Solving Two-Level Finite Element Systems. LSSC 2001: 113-124
10EEOwe Axelsson, Igor E. Kaporin: Optimizing Two-Level Preconditionings for the Conjugate Gradient Method. LSSC 2001: 3-21
9 Owe Axelsson, Mariana Nikolova: On Generalized Conjugate Gradient Type Methods for the Iterative Solution of Nonsymmetric and/or Indefinite Systems of Equations; Some Specific Convergence Properties. LSSC 1999: 3-14
8EEOwe Axelsson, Mariana Nikolova: Avoiding Slave Points in an Adaptive Refinement Procedure for Convection-Diffusion Problems in 2D. Computing 61(4): 331-358 (1998)
7 Owe Axelsson: Globally Convergent Continuation Methods for Non-Linear Equations. LSSC 1997: 3-17
6EEOwe Axelsson, Mariana Nikolova: Adaptive Refinement for Convection-Diffusion Problems Based on a Defect-Correction Technique and Finite Difference Method. Computing 58(1): 1-30 (1997)
5EEOwe Axelsson: On Iterative Solution of Elliptic Difference Equations on a Mesh-Connected Array of Processors. International Journal of High Speed Computing 1(1): 165-183 (1989)
4 Owe Axelsson: Domain Decomposition Methods for Three-dimensional Elliptic Problems-Abstracts. PPSC 1987: 169
3EEOwe Axelsson, Victor Eijkhout: A note on the vectorization of scalar recursions. Parallel Computing 3(1): 73-83 (1986)
2 Owe Axelsson, I. Gustafsson: A Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Finite Element Equations, which is Stable for Rounding Errors. IFIP Congress 1980: 723-728
1 Owe Axelsson, Uno Nävert: On a Graphical Package for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation Problems. IFIP Congress 1977: 103-108

Coauthor Index

1Victor Eijkhout [3]
2I. Gustafsson [2]
3Igor E. Kaporin [10]
4János Karátson [16]
5Uno Nävert [1]
6Maya Neytcheva [11] [12] [13]
7Mariana Nikolova [6] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)