
Mian M. Awais

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21EEAbdul Mateen, Basit Raza, Tauqeer Hussain, Mian M. Awais: Autonomic Computing in SQL Server. ACIS-ICIS 2008: 113-118
20EETauqeer Hussain, Mian M. Awais: An Effort-Based Approach to Measure Completeness of an Entity-Relationship Model. ACIS-ICIS 2008: 463-468
19EEMalik Shahzad Kaleem Awan, Mian M. Awais: Towards a Generic Model for Forecasting Rain Duration Using GITIC Model. ECBS 2008: 501-502
18EEMuhammad Kashif Farooq, Shafay Shamail, Mian M. Awais: Reference model for devolution in e-governance. ICEGOV 2008: 123-129
17EEJunaid Akhtar, Mian M. Awais, Basit B. Koshul: Evolutionary Algorithms based on non-Darwinian theories of evolution. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 2554-2560
16EEMuhammad Kashif Farooq, Shafay Shamail, Mian M. Awais: Devolution in a Virtual Enterprise. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2008: 433-440
15EEHafiz Rizwan Iqbal, Mian M. Awais, Shahid Masud, Shafay Shamail: On Vowels Segmentation and Identification Using Formant Transitions in Continuous Recitation of Quranic Arabic. New Challenges in Applied Intelligence Technologies 2008: 155-162
14EEMalik Shahzad Kaleem Awan, Mian M. Awais: Data Mining - Redefining the Boundaries. AICCSA 2007: 416-423
13EEMalik Shahzad Kaleem Awan, Mian M. Awais: Gastro-Intestinal Tract Inspired Computational Paradigm. IAT 2007: 47-50
12EEMian M. Awais, Shahid Masud, Junaid Ahktar, Shafay Shamail: Arabic Phoneme Identification Using Conventional and Concurrent Neural Networks in Non Native Speakers. ICIC (1) 2007: 897-905
11EEMalik Khan, Mian M. Awais, Shafay Shamail: Achieving Self-configuration Capability in Autonomic Systems Using Case-Based Reasoning with a New Similarity Measure. ICIC (3) 2007: 97-106
10EETauqeer Hussain, Mian M. Awais, Shafay Shamail: Applying fuzzy logic to measure completeness of a conceptual model. Applied Mathematics and Computation 185(2): 1078-1086 (2007)
9EEMian M. Awais, Shafay Shamail, Nisar Ahmed: Dimensionally reduced Krylov subspace model reduction for large scale systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 191(1): 21-30 (2007)
8 Tauqeer Hussain, Shafay Shamail, Mian M. Awais: On Measuring Structural Complexity of a Conceptual Model. Automation, Control, and Information Technology 2005: 71-75
7EETauqeer Hussain, Mian M. Awais, Shafay Shamail: A Fuzzy Based Approach to Measure Completeness of an Entity-Relationship Model. ER (Workshops) 2005: 410-422
6 Shafay Shamail, Mian M. Awais, Tauqeer Hussain: A Collaboration Portal for Social Enterprises. Web Technologies, Applications, and Services 2005: 13-17
5EEMian M. Awais: Application of internal model control methods to industrial combustion. Appl. Soft Comput. 5(2): 223-233 (2005)
4EEMian M. Awais, Shahid Masud, Shafay Shamail, J. Akhtar: A Hybrid Multi-layered Speaker Independent Arabic Phoneme Identification System. IDEAL 2004: 416-423
3 M. Shoaib, Mian M. Awais, Shahid Masud, Shafay Shamail, J. Akhtar: Application of concurrent generalized regression neural networks for arabic speech recognition. Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence 2004: 206-210
2EETauqeer Hussain, Shafay Shamail, Mian M. Awais: Improving quality in conceptual modeling. OOPSLA Companion 2004: 170-171
1EEAfzaal H. Seyal, Mian M. Awais, Shafay Shamail, Andleeb Abbas: Determinants of Electronic Commerce in Pakistan: Preliminary Evidence from Small and Medium Enterprises. Electronic Markets 14(4): 372-387 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Andleeb Abbas [1]
2Junaid Ahktar [12]
3Nisar Ahmed [9]
4J. Akhtar [3] [4]
5Junaid Akhtar [17]
6Malik Shahzad Kaleem Awan [13] [14] [19]
7Muhammad Kashif Farooq [16] [18]
8Tauqeer Hussain [2] [6] [7] [8] [10] [20] [21]
9Hafiz Rizwan Iqbal [15]
10Malik Khan [11]
11Basit B. Koshul [17]
12Shahid Masud [3] [4] [12] [15]
13Abdul Mateen [21]
14Basit Raza [21]
15Afzaal H. Seyal [1]
16Shafay Shamail [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15] [16] [18]
17M. Shoaib [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)