
Sören Auer

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24EESören Auer, Sebastian Dietzold, Jens Lehmann, Sebastian Hellmann, David Aumueller: Triplify: light-weight linked data publication from relational databases. WWW 2009: 621-630
23EESören Auer, Jens Lehmann, Christian Bizer: Semantische Mashups auf Basis Vernetzter Daten. Social Semantic Web 2009: 259-286
22EESebastian Dietzold, Jörg Unbehauen, Sören Auer: xOperator - Interconnecting the Semantic Web and Instant Messaging Networks. ESWC 2008: 19-33
21EESebastian Dietzold, Jörg Unbehauen, Sören Auer: xOperator - An Extensible Semantic Agent for Instant Messaging Networks. ESWC 2008: 787-791
20EESebastian Hellmann, Jens Lehmann, Sören Auer: Learning of OWL Class Descriptions on Very Large Knowledge Bases. International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos) 2008
19 Steffen Lohmann, Thomas Riechert, Sören Auer: Collaborative Development of Knowledge Bases in Distributed Requirements Elicitation. Software Engineering (Workshops) 2008: 22-28
18 Sören Auer, Christian Bizer, Tom Heath, Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes: Proceedings of the ESWC'07 Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web, SFSW 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, May 30, 2007 CEUR-WS.org 2007
17 Sören Auer, Christian Bizer, Claudia Müller, Anna V. Zhdanova: The Social Semantic Web 2007, Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Social Semantic Web (CSSW), September 26-28, 2007, Leipzig, Germany. GI 2007
16EESören Auer, Sebastian Dietzold, Jens Lehmann, Thomas Riechert: OntoWiki: A Tool for Social, Semantic Collaboration. CKC 2007
15EEMuhammad Ahtisham Aslam, Jun Shen, Sören Auer, Michael Herrmann: An Integration Life Cycle for Semantic Web Services Composition. CSCWD 2007: 490-495
14EEChristian Weiske, Sören Auer: Implementing SPARQL Support for Relational Databases and Possible Enhancements. CSSW 2007: 69-80
13EEJens Lehmann, Jörg Schüppel, Sören Auer: Discovering Unknown Connections - the DBpedia Relationship Finder. CSSW 2007: 99-110
12EESören Auer, Jens Lehmann: What Have Innsbruck and Leipzig in Common? Extracting Semantics from Wiki Content. ESWC 2007: 503-517
11EESören Auer, Christian Bizer, Georgi Kobilarov, Jens Lehmann, Richard Cyganiak, Zachary G. Ives: DBpedia: A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data. ISWC/ASWC 2007: 722-735
10EESören Auer, Berit Jungmann, Frank Schönefeld: Semantic Wiki Representations for Building an Enterprise Knowledge Base. Reasoning Web 2007: 330-333
9EESebastian Dietzold, Sören Auer: Integrating SPARQL Endpoints into Directory Services. SFSW 2007
8EEMuhammad Ahtisham Aslam, Sören Auer, Jun Shen, Michael Herrmann: Expressing Business Process Models as OWL-S Ontologies. Business Process Management Workshops 2006: 400-415
7EESören Auer, Heinrich Herre: RapidOWL - An Agile Knowledge Engineering Methodology. Ershov Memorial Conference 2006: 424-430
6EESören Auer, Heinrich Herre: A Versioning and Evolution Framework for RDF Knowledge Bases. Ershov Memorial Conference 2006: 55-69
5 Sebastian Dietzold, Sören Auer, Thomas Riechert: Kollaborative Wissensarbeit mit OntoWiki. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2006: 498-508
4EEMax Völkel, Sebastian Schaffert, Elena Pasaru-Bontas, Sören Auer: Wiki-based knowledge engineering: second workshop on semantic Wikis. Int. Sym. Wikis 2006: 133-134
3EESören Auer, Sebastian Dietzold, Thomas Riechert: OntoWiki - A Tool for Social, Semantic Collaboration. International Semantic Web Conference 2006: 736-749
2EESören Auer: The RapidOWL Methodology--Towards Agile Knowledge Engineering. WETICE 2006: 352-357
1 Hannes Bohring, Sören Auer: Mapping XML to OWL Ontologies. Leipziger Informatik-Tage 2005: 147-156

Coauthor Index

1Muhammad Ahtisham Aslam [8] [15]
2David Aumüller (David Aumueller) [24]
3Christian Bizer [11] [17] [18] [23]
4Hannes Bohring [1]
5Richard Cyganiak [11]
6Sebastian Dietzold [3] [5] [9] [16] [21] [22] [24]
7Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes [18]
8Tom Heath [18]
9Sebastian Hellmann [20] [24]
10Heinrich Herre [6] [7]
11Michael Herrmann [8] [15]
12Zachary G. Ives [11]
13Berit Jungmann [10]
14Georgi Kobilarov [11]
15Jens Lehmann [11] [12] [13] [16] [20] [23] [24]
16Steffen Lohmann [19]
17Claudia Müller [17]
18Elena Pasaru-Bontas [4]
19Thomas Riechert [3] [5] [16] [19]
20Sebastian Schaffert [4]
21Frank Schönefeld [10]
22Jörg Schüppel [13]
23Jun Shen [8] [15]
24Jörg Unbehauen [21] [22]
25Max Völkel [4]
26Christian Weiske [14]
27Anna V. Zhdanova [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)