
Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy

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24EERodrigo Santos de Espindola, Edimara Mezzomo Luciano, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: An Overview of the Adoption of IT Governance Models and Software Process Quality Instruments at Brazil - Preliminary Results of a Survey. HICSS 2009: 1-9
23EERafael Prikladnicki, J. Roberto Evaristo, Daniela Damian, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Conducting Qualitative Research in an International and Distributed Research Team: Challenges and Lessons Learned. HICSS 2008: 442
22 Leonardo Pilatti, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Software Offshore Development - A Criteria Definition for References Models Comparison. ICEIS (3-1) 2008: 212-215
21 Rodrigo Santos de Espindola, Edimara Mezzomo Luciano, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: An Overview of Software Process Quality Instruments Adoption at Brazil - Preliminary Results of a Survey. ICEIS (3-1) 2008: 347-350
20 André Luiz Becker, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy, Rafael Prikladnicki: An Approach to Support the Strategic Alignment of Software Process Improvement Programs. ICEIS (3-1) 2008: 66-73
19 Leandro Teixeira Lopes, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: A Requirements Engineering Process Model for Distributed Software Development - Lessons Learned. ICEIS (3-2) 2008: 117-122
18EERafael Prikladnicki, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Distributed Project Management. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
17EEJ. Roberto Evaristo, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy, Rafael Prikladnicki, Jairo Avritchir: Wholly Owned Offshore Subsidiaries for IT Development: A Program of Research. HICSS 2005
16 Leonardo Pilatti, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Towards a Global Software Development Maturity Model. ICEIS (3) 2005: 474-477
15 Leonardo Pilatti, Rafael Prikladnicki, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Global Software Development: Standardization of the Developing Phase based on the MSF Framework in a global CMM level 3 context. SEKE 2005: 235-240
14 Leandro Lopes, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Impact of GSD in Requirements Specification - A Case Study. SEKE 2005: 473-478
13EERodrigo Santos de Espindola, Leandro Lopes, Rafael Prikladnicki, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Uma Abordagem Baseada em Gestão do Conhecimento para Gerência de Requisitos em Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software. WER 2005: 87-99
12EEJorge Luis Nicolas Audy, J. Roberto Evaristo, Mary Beth Watson-Manheim: Distributed Analysis: The Last Frontier? HICSS 2004
11 Leandro Lopes, Rafael Prikladnicki, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy, Azriel Majdenbaum: Distributed Requirements Specification: Minimizing the Effect of Geographic Dispersion. ICEIS (3) 2004: 531-534
10 Rafael Prikladnicki, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy, J. Roberto Evaristo: A Reference Model for Global Software Development. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2004: 369-378
9EERodrigo Santos de Espindola, Azriel Majdenbaum, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Uma Análise Crítica dos Desafios para Engenharia de Requisitos em Manutenção de Software. WER 2004: 226-238
8EERoberto Zanoni, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Projected Management Model for Physically Distributed Software Development Environment. HICSS 2003: 249
7 Rafael Prikladnicki, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy, J. Roberto Evaristo: Distributed Software Development: Toward an Understanding of the Relationship Between Project Team, Users and Customers. ICEIS (3) 2003: 417-423
6EELeandro Teixeira Lopes, Azriel Majdenbaum, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Uma Proposta para Processo de Requisitos em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software. WER 2003: 329-342
5EELeandro Lopes, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Em Busca de um Modelo de Referência para Engenharia de Requisitos em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento Di. WER 2003: 78-92
4EERafael Prikladnicki, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy, J. Roberto Evaristo: Global software development in practice lessons learned. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 8(4): 267-281 (2003)
3 Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy: Analysis of the Relation between the Prescriptive and Descriptive Approaches of the Information System Planning. ICEIS 2002: 553-561
2 Rafael Prikladnicki, Fernando Peres, Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy, Michael da Costa Móra, Antônio Perdigoto: Requirements Specification Model in a Software Development Process inside a Physically Distributed Environment. ICEIS 2002: 830-834
1 Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy, João Luiz Becker, Henrique Freitas: Information Systems Planning: Contributions from Organizational Learning. ICEIS (2) 2001: 873-879

Coauthor Index

1Jairo Avritchir [17]
2André Luiz Becker [20]
3João Luiz Becker [1]
4Daniela E. Damian (Daniela E. Herlea, Daniela Damian) [23]
5Rodrigo Santos de Espindola [9] [13] [21] [24]
6J. Roberto Evaristo [4] [7] [10] [12] [17] [23]
7Henrique Freitas [1]
8Leandro Lopes [5] [11] [13] [14]
9Leandro Teixeira Lopes [6] [19]
10Edimara Mezzomo Luciano [21] [24]
11Azriel Majdenbaum [6] [9] [11]
12Michael da Costa Móra [2]
13Antônio Perdigoto [2]
14Fernando Peres [2]
15Leonardo Pilatti [15] [16] [22]
16Rafael Prikladnicki [2] [4] [7] [10] [11] [13] [15] [17] [18] [20] [23]
17Mary Beth Watson-Manheim [12]
18Roberto Zanoni [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)