
Benoit Aubert

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21EEBenoit Aubert, Henri Barki, Michel Patry, Vital Roy: A multi-level, multi-theory perspective of information technology implementation. Inf. Syst. J. 18(1): 45-72 (2008)
20EEBenoit Aubert, Guillaume Beaurivage, Anne-Marie Croteau, Suzanne Rivard: Firm strategic profile and IT outsourcing. Information Systems Frontiers 10(2): 129-143 (2008)
19EEBenoit Aubert, Suzanne Rivard: Introduction to the Outsourcing of Information Systems Minitrack. HICSS 2007: 238
18EEBenoit Aubert, Suzanne Rivard, Wendy Currie: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2006
17EEBenoit Aubert, Wendy Currie, Suzanne Rivard: Introduction to the Outsourcing of Information Systems Minitrack. HICSS 2005
16EEBenoit Aubert, Wendy Currie, Suzanne Rivard: Outsourcing of Information Systems: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2004
15 Aymeric Dussart, Benoit Aubert, Michel Patry: An Evaluation of Inter-Organizational Workflow Modeling Formalisms. J. Database Manag. 15(2): 74-104 (2004)
14EEBenoit Aubert, Wendy Currie, Suzanne Rivard: Introduction to the Trends in Outsourcing of Information Systems Minitrack. HICSS 2003: 267
13EEBenoit Aubert, Jean-Francois Houde, Michel Patry, Suzanne Rivard: Characteristics of IT Outsourcing Contracts. HICSS 2003: 269
12 Benoit Aubert, Michel Patry, Suzanne Rivard: A tale of two outsourcing contracts - an agency-theoretical perspective. Wirtschaftsinformatik 45(2): 181-190 (2003)
11EEBenoit Aubert: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2002: 266
10EEAnne C. Rouse, Brian J. Corbitt, Benoit Aubert: Perspectives on IT Outsourcing Success: Covariance Structure Modelling of a Survey of Outsourcing in Australia. ECIS 2001
9EEBenoit Aubert, Michel Patry, Suzanne Rivard, Heather A. Smith: IT Outsourcing Risk Management at British Petroleum. HICSS 2001
8EEBenoit Aubert, Suzanne Rivard: Trends in Outsourcing of Information Systems - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001
7EEVital Roy, Benoit Aubert: A Resource based View of the Information Systems Sourcing Mode. HICSS 2000
6EEBenoit Aubert, Suzanne Rivard: Trends in Outsourcing of Information Services - Introduction. HICSS 2000
5EEBenoit Aubert, Sylvie Dussault, Michel Patry, Suzanne Rivard: Managing the Risk of IT Outsourcing. HICSS 1999
4EEBenoit Aubert, Suzanne Rivard: Trends in Outsourcing of Information Systems - Introduction. HICSS 1999
3EEBenoit Aubert, Suzanne Rivard: Introduction to the Trends in Outsourcing of Information Systems Minitrack. HICSS (6) 1998: 632-634
2EEBenoit Aubert, Michel Patry, Suzanne Rivard: Assessing the Risk of IT Outsourcing. HICSS (6) 1998: 685-
1 Benoit Aubert, Suzanne Rivard, Michel Patry: Development of Measures to Assess Dimensions of IS Operation Transactions. ICIS 1994: 13-26

Coauthor Index

1Henri Barki [21]
2Guillaume Beaurivage [20]
3Brian J. Corbitt [10]
4Anne-Marie Croteau [20]
5Wendy Currie [14] [16] [17] [18]
6Aymeric Dussart [15]
7Sylvie Dussault [5]
8Jean-Francois Houde [13]
9Michel Patry [1] [2] [5] [9] [12] [13] [15] [21]
10Suzanne Rivard [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
11Anne C. Rouse [10]
12Vital Roy [7] [21]
13Heather A. Smith [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)