
Chikit K. Au

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11EEChikit K. Au: Spatial and temporal competition as a two dimensional kinetic Voronoi diagram. Computer-Aided Design 40(2): 139-149 (2008)
10EEChikit K. Au, Tony C. Woo: Algebraic and geometric approximation of waves among obstacles. Computer-Aided Design 38(6): 563-571 (2006)
9EEY. C. Lam, Y.-M. Deng, Chikit K. Au: A GA/gradient hybrid approach for injection moulding conditions optimisation. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 21(3): 193-202 (2006)
8EEM. Zhai, Y. C. Lam, Chikit K. Au: Runner sizing and weld line positioning for plastics injection moulding with multiple gates. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 21(3): 218-224 (2006)
7EEChikit K. Au, Tony C. Woo: Geometry of inhibition and activation in kinematic waves. Computer-Aided Design 36(12): 1253-1261 (2004)
6EEChikit K. Au, Matthew Ming-Fai Yuen: A feature modeller for sculptured object modelling. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 19(1): 1-8 (2003)
5 Chikit K. Au, Matthew Ming-Fai Yuen: A constraint based feature modeller for sculptured object modelling. IJCAT 17(2): 69-79 (2003)
4EEChikit K. Au, Zhiming Wu, Matthew Ming-Fai Yuen: Effect of Fabric Properties on Cloth Draping Modeling. GMP 2000: 69-67
3EEChikit K. Au, Matthew Ming-Fai Yuen: A semantic feature language for sculptured object modelling. Computer-Aided Design 32(1): 63-74 (2000)
2EEChikit K. Au, Matthew Ming-Fai Yuen: Feature-based reverse engineering of mannequin for garment design. Computer-Aided Design 31(12): 751-759 (1999)
1EEChikit K. Au, Matthew Ming-Fai Yuen: Unified approach to curve shape modification. Computer-Aided Design 27(2): 85-93 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Y.-M. Deng [9]
2Y. C. Lam [8] [9]
3Tony C. Woo [7] [10]
4Zhiming Wu [4]
5Matthew Ming-Fai Yuen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6M. Zhai [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)