2009 |
39 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Andrei A. Bulatov,
Anuj Dawar:
Affine systems of equations and counting infinitary logic.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(18): 1666-1683 (2009) |
2008 |
38 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Martin Grohe,
Dániel Marx:
Size Bounds and Query Plans for Relational Joins.
FOCS 2008: 739-748 |
37 | EE | Albert Atserias:
E. Grädel, P. Kolaitis, L. Libkin, M. Marx, I. Spencer, M. Vardi, Y. Venema and S. Weinstein , Finite Model Theory and Its Applications, Springer-Verlag (2007).
Computer Science Review 2(1): 55-59 (2008) |
36 | EE | Albert Atserias:
On digraph coloring problems and treewidth duality.
Eur. J. Comb. 29(4): 796-820 (2008) |
35 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Víctor Dalmau:
A combinatorial characterization of resolution width.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 74(3): 323-334 (2008) |
34 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Anuj Dawar,
Martin Grohe:
Preservation under Extensions on Well-Behaved Finite Structures.
SIAM J. Comput. 38(4): 1364-1381 (2008) |
2007 |
33 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Andrei A. Bulatov,
Víctor Dalmau:
On the Power of k -Consistency.
ICALP 2007: 279-290 |
32 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Andrei A. Bulatov,
Anuj Dawar:
Affine Systems of Equations and Counting Infinitary Logic.
ICALP 2007: 558-570 |
31 | EE | Albert Atserias:
Conjunctive query evaluation by search-tree revisited.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 371(3): 155-168 (2007) |
2006 |
30 | EE | Albert Atserias:
Distinguishing SAT from Polynomial-Size Circuits, through Black-Box Queries.
IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2006: 88-95 |
29 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Anuj Dawar,
Phokion G. Kolaitis:
On preservation under homomorphisms and unions of conjunctive queries.
J. ACM 53(2): 208-237 (2006) |
2005 |
28 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Anuj Dawar,
Martin Grohe:
Preservation Under Extensions on Well-Behaved Finite Structures.
ICALP 2005: 1437-1449 |
27 | EE | Albert Atserias:
Conjunctive Query Evaluation by Search Tree Revisited.
ICDT 2005: 53-67 |
26 | EE | Albert Atserias:
On Digraph Coloring Problems and Treewidth Duality.
LICS 2005: 106-115 |
25 | EE | Albert Atserias:
Definability on a Random 3-CNF Formula.
LICS 2005: 458-466 |
24 | EE | Albert Atserias:
Non-Uniform Hardness for NP via Black-Box Adversaries
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(154): (2005) |
2004 |
23 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Phokion G. Kolaitis,
Moshe Y. Vardi:
Constraint Propagation as a Proof System.
CP 2004: 77-91 |
22 | EE | Albert Atserias:
Notions of Average-Case Complexity for Random 3-SAT.
CSL 2004: 1-5 |
21 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Anuj Dawar,
Phokion G. Kolaitis:
On Preservation under Homomorphisms and Unions of Conjunctive Queries.
PODS 2004: 319-329 |
20 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Maria Luisa Bonet:
On the automatizability of resolution and related propositional proof systems.
Inf. Comput. 189(2): 182-201 (2004) |
19 | EE | Albert Atserias:
On sufficient conditions for unsatisfiability of random formulas.
J. ACM 51(2): 281-311 (2004) |
2003 |
18 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Víctor Dalmau:
A Combinatorial Characterization of ResolutionWidth.
IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2003: 239-247 |
17 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Maria Luisa Bonet,
Jordi Levy:
On Chvatal Rank and Cutting Planes Proofs
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(041): (2003) |
16 | EE | Albert Atserias:
Improved bounds on the Weak Pigeonhole Principle and infinitely many primes from weaker axioms.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 295: 27-39 (2003) |
2002 |
15 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Maria Luisa Bonet:
On the Automatizability of Resolution and Related Propositional Proof Systems.
CSL 2002: 569-583 |
14 | EE | Albert Atserias:
Unsatisfiable Random Formulas Are Hard to Certify.
LICS 2002: 325-334 |
13 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Maria Luisa Bonet:
On the Automatizability of Resolution and Related Propositional Proof Systems
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(010): (2002) |
12 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Víctor Dalmau:
A Combinatorial Characterization of Resolution Width
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(035): (2002) |
11 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Maria Luisa Bonet,
Juan Luis Esteban:
Lower Bounds for the Weak Pigeonhole Principle and Random Formulas beyond Resolution.
Inf. Comput. 176(2): 136-152 (2002) |
10 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Nicola Galesi,
Pavel Pudlák:
Monotone simulations of non-monotone proofs.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 65(4): 626-638 (2002) |
2001 |
9 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Maria Luisa Bonet,
Juan Luis Esteban:
Lower Bounds for the Weak Pigeonhole Principle Beyond Resolution.
ICALP 2001: 1005-1016 |
8 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Nicola Galesi,
Pavel Pudlák:
Monotone Simulations of Nonmonotone Proofs.
IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2001: 36-41 |
7 | EE | Albert Atserias:
Improved Bounds on the Weak Pigeonhole Principle and Infinitely Many Primes from Weaker Axioms.
MFCS 2001: 148-158 |
6 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Nicola Galesi,
Ricard Gavaldà:
Monotone Proofs of the Pigeon Hole Principle.
Math. Log. Q. 47(4): 461-474 (2001) |
2000 |
5 | EE | Albert Atserias:
The Descriptive Comlexity of the Fixed-Points of Bounded Formulas.
CSL 2000: 172-186 |
4 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Nicola Galesi,
Ricard Gavaldà:
Monotone Proofs of the Pigeon Hole Principle.
ICALP 2000: 151-162 |
3 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Nicola Galesi,
Ricard Gavaldà:
Monotone Proofs of the Pigeon Hole Principle
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 7(8): (2000) |
2 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Nicola Galesi,
Pavel Pudlák:
Monotone simulations of nonmonotone propositional proofs
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 7(87): (2000) |
1999 |
1 | EE | Albert Atserias,
Phokion G. Kolaitis:
First-Order Logic vs. Fixed-Point Logic in Finite Set Theory.
LICS 1999: 275-284 |