
L. V. Atkinson

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9 L. V. Atkinson: Jumping About and Getting into a State. Comput. J. 27(1): 42-46 (1984)
8 L. V. Atkinson: Optimizing Two-state Case Statements in Pascal. Softw., Pract. Exper. 12(6): 571-581 (1982)
7 L. V. Atkinson, J. J. McGregor, S. D. North: Context Sensitive Editing as an Approach to Incremental Compilation. Comput. J. 24(3): 222-229 (1981)
6 L. V. Atkinson, S. D. North: COPAS-A Conversational Pascal System. Softw., Pract. Exper. 11(8): 819-829 (1981)
5 L. V. Atkinson: Pascal Scalars as State Indicators. Softw., Pract. Exper. 9(6): 427-431 (1979)
4 L. V. Atkinson: Should if...then...else... Follow the Dodo? Softw., Pract. Exper. 9(9): 693-700 (1979)
3 L. V. Atkinson, J. J. McGregor: CONA-A Conversational Algol System. Softw., Pract. Exper. 8(6): 699-708 (1978)
2 L. V. Atkinson: The List Processing Language, SLPL - An Informal Outline. Comput. J. 19(1): 32-39 (1976)
1 L. V. Atkinson, G. J. Duffus: Machine Code Generation Within a Compiler - A Teaching Model. Comput. J. 19(2): 160-165 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1G. J. Duffus [1]
2J. J. McGregor [3] [7]
3S. D. North [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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