
Christopher J. Atkinson

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7EEChristopher J. Atkinson, David E. Avison, David Wilson: Architectural images of computer-based information systems development: A response to "A viewpoint of software engineering and information systems: integrating the disciplines". Information & Software Technology 45(5): 289-291 (2003)
6 Christopher J. Atkinson: The Nature and Role of Generative Systemic Metaphor within Information Systems Planning and Development. Global and Organizational Discourse about Information Technology 2002: 323-343
5EEChristopher J. Atkinson: The Multidimensional Systemic Representation of Actor Networks: Modeling Breast Cancer Treatment Decision-Making. HICSS 2002: 99
4EEChristopher J. Atkinson, Tillal Eldabi, Ray J. Paul, Athanasia Pouloudi: Investigating Integrated Socio-Technical Approaches to Health Informatics. HICSS 2001
3EEChristopher J. Atkinson: The Soft Information Systems and Technologies Methodology (SISTeM): A Contingency Approach to Integrated Decision Making and Development. ICSTM 2000
2EEChristopher J. Atkinson: Socio-Technical and Soft Approaches to Information Requirements Elicitation in the Post-Methodology Era. Requir. Eng. 5(2): 67-73 (2000)
1 Christopher J. Atkinson: Soft Information Systems and Technologies Methodology, SISTeM: A Case Study on Developing the Electronic Patient Record. Requir. Eng. 2(1): 1-22 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1David E. Avison [7]
2Tillal Eldabi [4]
3Ray J. Paul [4]
4Athanasia Pouloudi [4]
5David Wilson [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)