
Patricia Seefelder de Assis

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4EEPatricia Seefelder de Assis, Daniel Schwabe: The Use of Adaptive Semantic Hypermedia for Ubiquitous Collaboration Systems. ISoLA 2008: 548-560
3EEPatricia Seefelder de Assis, Daniel Schwabe, Demetrius Arraes Nunes: ASHDM - Model-Driven Adaptation and Meta-adaptation. AH 2006: 213-222
2EEPatricia Seefelder de Assis, Daniel Schwabe: A Semantic Meta-model for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems. AH 2004: 360-365
1EEPatricia Seefelder de Assis, Daniel Schwabe: A General Meta-model for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems. AH 2004: 433-436

Coauthor Index

1Demetrius Arraes Nunes [3]
2Daniel Schwabe [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)